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Lamping 08/09/09 with Reggaeman and Wuzzy


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Hi lads,


I just wanted to put this post up before I departed for work.


I went out lamping with Chris (AKA) the Reggaeman and Joey (AKA) the Wuzzy Meister last night on my permission. We met at 1830 hrs ish at my permission and went straight into my hanger so Wuzzy could zero his new Tasco 6-24x50 ill, AO scope. After a couple of well aimed shots all the guns were zeroed well and smashing bulls eyes at 30 metres. We then pumped up our rifles to the correct recommended pressure and set out.


The first bunny came after about 2 mins while driving down the old airfield run way. There must have been 6 or 7 bunnies on this part of the permission. We know now from previous recognisance missions that they like sitting on the edge of a fir tree plantation. Sure enough there was bugs thinking he was cool and just "kicking back and peacing out" as Chris would say.


A dull HISSSS from the rifle and down went the bunny with a severe headache. No 1 in the bag.


We then went into the main part of the permission and witnessed lots of bunnies running everywhere. We drove around the clay pigeon range and both Joey and Chris shot bunnies at ranges from 20m to 45m with clinical accuracy. After we finished in this part of the permission we then went for a walk around a huge field, about 15 hectares in size shooting bunnies along the edge. With me lamping and the lads shooting the team work really paid off with another 3 bunnies shot with some spectacular shots from the standing position. Due to the still windless night the lads had to shoot when they were 40m to 45m away from the standing position as the bunnies were off if we tried to get any closer.


Both Reggaeman and Wuzzy made the shots easily and it was a real pleasure for me to watch 2 marksmen using their rifles to the best of their abilities taking clean kills. One shot that Reggaeman took was 2 mil dots up (zeroed at 30 metres in .177 calibre) so I estimated it being between 45 – 50 metres. WHAT A CRACKER.


I hocked the 3 shot bunnies through their alkalis tendons and Joey kindly volunteered to carry them around the last bit of the field back to my car.


We finished the night with a final drive around the permission and the airfield mopping the odd straggler up as the temperature dropped quickly registering 0.5 degs on my car computer.


At this temp the bunnies all high tailed it into the fir trees and bushes to try and keep out the frost and cold night.


We finished the session with 9 well shot and clean bunnies. Bugs and his 8 cousins.


The last thing we did before we went home was to unzip the bunnies and flick out the guts for Charlie. Im sure that he will enjoy a nice Winters night feast before morning comes.


Photo is Chris on the left and Joey on the right, (guess who the lucky one was with the camera :wallbash: ? LOL).




Edited by zini
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another great write up zini :clapper: it was indeed a good night had by all ( except bugs and his buddies lol ) you will have to swap seats next time we are up so you can shoot too pal cos like i said last night" i feel guilty" when you do all the lamping and driving and not shooting! it was a shame daryll and gary didn't make it again though eh? COME ON LADS GET IT SORTED!!! otherwise they'll be none left for you lol lol. well thanks again si for a good night and i look fwd to seeing the dvd your doing ;) well thats chris done so peace out mate and see you soon. Chris

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Not a problem lads, I'm glad that you both enjoyed yourselfs.


Its always a pleasure having 2 proper mates and gentlemen up like you 2 shooting with me.


Im going to take Zin out now and see if we can shoot and catch another couple of tree rats. Zin is hyper at the moment as he hasnt had a kill or a ragg on something for a couple of days. He needs his fix does the mad terrier LOL.


Next doors cat has just had the neck to come on my garden again and try and sh-t again but Zin seen him thought the balcony window and nearly smashed through the window trying to get to it.


One day pussy cat you will be patterdale kabab LOL.



Edited by zini
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Very good going gentlemen :clapper:


You guy's certainly have fun and do a good job up there.

I look forward to being able to joing you sometime in the not tooooo distant future :thumbs:


Good write up as well.



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nice going lads .... i was gutted when i i couldnt make it but family will always come 1st guys shannon badly sprained her ankle but she'll be ok ..... next time ill be there ...on a better note ive just picked up another part of the team pic's will follow she's a 6 week old border terrier x hopefully zin will teach her a few tricks ;)


atb gary

Edited by festa
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I'm glad that your daughter is ok now Gary.


I know how them ankle injuries feel and i fully understand her pain mate.


I think daddy should be running around after her while she puts her feel up.


Regarding the new pup mate, congratulations. What are you calling her? Zin will defo teach her some new tricks if you bring her down when shes a bit older. Hes being a flipping terrorist at the moment and every timer that squizzer (Edna) comes on the garden to feed on my bird table he turns into a wild thing of a mouth full of teeth and attitude.



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glad your daughter is ok festa. patterdale kebab zini? lol lol. only thing zin will teach any other dog is how to grab,rag and smash skulls which is good for you gary ;) anyone who's seen zin in action knows how focused on the job he is. ne's MENTAL!!! anyway guys. tea is calling so peace out and see you all soon B)

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I'll try and get back down soon lads....just during the week is a bit of a pain for me, especially the drive back at night after we finished and the early start I face the next morn.....I hate driving tired and am too sensible to do it...seen too many bad things on the roads due to it and I don;t fancy being a statistic


Good shooting there anyway lads!!



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Funny how small things in life make hunters happy Chris LOL.


What ever floats your boat Joey LOL.


Where did you retrieve the pellet from Joey? the bunny's back foot where you shot it LOL. I bet the bunny limped to you and rolled over saying please neck me quick as my foot is killing LOL :whistling:


Just joking Joey, your shooting was spot on last night mate.



Edited by zini
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