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Scope for .308

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I shoot a Howa 308 without a mod or muzzle break, it has a MTc Mamba on it and is fine. The recoil is not that bad, you do lose sight picture but thats to be expected. Make sure you get decent rings and bases and your scope will be ok, i use Burris Zee rings and Leupold bases.


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An unmoderated .308 isnt that bad??? :hmm: As allready said, you loose sight picture, but you do with a .243 or a .223, so its no worse on that count. IMO...

I would moderate it...Yes...but don't feel a .308 is a particularly vicious round.


My opinion is that the scope , whilst not the best quality optics, would retain the zero in that situation.


I have had Nikko scope on my centre fires for years , and have had no problems with zero shift

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Listen you big girlies...I thought I was the tart, I like light and easy rifles but my .308 really isn't painful (Remington SPS Stainless Synthetic) ..it weights nothing and is gentle on my shoulder (I use 150g almost all the time).


However, you will need a scope that can take a bit of a pounding...and as for muzzle breaks..well ..they are fine as long as you are in the next county...they are painful for your pals and it's like an earthquake..just get a moderator! :thumbs:

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I gather you have thought before the choice of scope, sorry to sound sarcastic, is it for Deer ??? woodland stalking, open land,hill stalking, running Boar ???

Magnifcation may be an issue, As far as putting it on a 30cal i personaly went for a Leupold VX1 3-9x40 on top of a 30.06, good glass, renowned for being robust so very suitable for larger cals and not much more than Niko, i think i paid £190 for mine. Its peace of mind for me knowing that its got some 1/2 decent glass on.that wont let you down at the last minute.Compare the prices ones £170 the other £190 and look what you get, you seem to get more for your money on the nighteater but why ???


start pushing 200grn bullets + through and you will notice a big difference between lighter bullets with recoil when unmoderated, put a break on and it will reduce muzzle flip, and as stated be very loud behind and to the side (more than without a break) ear protection a "MUST" if you get the chance to put a mod on then do it, there far more comfortable to shoot as far as recoil and noise goes.

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  dougy said:
I gather you have thought before the choice of scope, sorry to sound sarcastic, is it for Deer ??? woodland stalking, open land,hill stalking, running Boar ???

Magnifcation may be an issue, As far as putting it on a 30cal i personaly went for a Leupold VX1 3-9x40 on top of a 30.06, good glass, renowned for being robust so very suitable for larger cals and not much more than Niko, i think i paid £190 for mine. Its peace of mind for me knowing that its got some 1/2 decent glass on.that wont let you down at the last minute.Compare the prices ones £170 the other £190 and look what you get, you seem to get more for your money on the nighteater but why ???


start pushing 200grn bullets + through and you will notice a big difference between lighter bullets with recoil when unmoderated, put a break on and it will reduce muzzle flip, and as stated be very loud behind and to the side (more than without a break) ear protection a "MUST" if you get the chance to put a mod on then do it, there far more comfortable to shoot as far as recoil and noise goes.



bloody good reply mate :victory::victory::victory:

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buy cheap buy twice


i know things for some/most are bad just now ....but


a decent rifle yes....


when you go for optics advice i was given....go for the most expensive you can POSSIBLY afford push your limit till you cant get another bit o cash for love nor money!!!!!!!!!

and mind to include same quality bases and rings too


like having the worlds best hi-fi but if your speakers are shite then its no use and a waste.


beg borrow steal...birthdays /xmas's ...fathers day ...whatever tell yer family waht you after and get money or vouchers and put it all towards yer optics




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Quite. I wouldn't get a 32x scope for a 308 apart from possibly for 1000 yard stuff, and then it certainly wouldn't be a Nikko. I would get a lower mag higher quality scope. I wouldn't get a VX-I either.


Bushnell's 3200 range is IMHO better for the money.


And as for recoil, anyone that moans about a 308's recoil as being horrible to shoot, well... my other half, who is 5' 5" and tiny, has no issues shooting a good hot lot load of 175 SMK, rifle's not heavy either.

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