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the ultimate quarry or not

Guest lurchers&terriers

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Guest lurchers&terriers

what would you say is the ultimate test for a dog to catch in the day when there was no silly ban. i would say day time hares but others say day time roe. what's you opinions

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A winter Hare, give him 50 yards start and he will test any dog, bearing in mind they dont really start to run untill the dog is up at them then when they stretch that ole back leg, that is the signal come and catch me IF you can, Had some great sport down through the years, up unto the BAN, and now it is only memories,

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all animals ive chased weather hare rabbits deer when it was all legal all stick out at one timeor another there aint no better as they all have pulled a trick or two in there time ,cant anwer that question well case they have all done abnormal things to get away from a dog

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no the hare you can seit all hapenning buut when i used to hunt roe in daylite alot saw some cute tricks theyhave used to throw a dog of thru woods cover jumping like stags , hare is the best open feild animal in uk but saw some very good chases on roe etc over the last twenty years or moe in big coniferous woods , but hare is the best for seeing the whole show and great athalete

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no the hare you can seit all hapenning buut when i used to hunt roe in daylite alot saw some cute tricks theyhave used to throw a dog of thru woods cover jumping like stags , hare is the best open feild animal in uk but saw some very good chases on roe etc over the last twenty years or moe in big coniferous woods , but hare is the best for seeing the whole show and great athalete

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