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Living in Holmfirth, West Yorks and as I approach my 61st year, I've just got the air rifle bug again.

I fired a couple of little really old break barrel springers at a friends recently (at paper targets) and it was enjoyable.

Looking at what's out there I'm amazed at how air rifles and the stuff that goes with them have moved on since 'my days' - I had a .22 BSA Airsporter when I was 14, which I used for 'rough shooting'.

I was thinking of getting a decent .22 underlever again (they were the ones to have back in then) and I'd got it down to a HW 97 or Air Arms TX 200. Probably second hand. I've held both (without scopes). On looking on the interweb and visiting the dealers it seems that the options/alternatives (and prices) are almost limitless. So it's off to see Trevor at Emley FT club tomorrow to see what that's like and get some more guidance and 'try before I buy'. It's also surprised me how quickly some of the 'second hand bargains' sell on sites like this.

I don't have anywhere yet but I'd love to be able to 'plink targets' legally and locally. I don't really intend to go killing gods creatures, although I might 'do' rats and wabbits later if I get the proper skills back, the right equipment and 'permission' (somewhere legal & local)

It seems from my initial 'research' that the preferred choice for FT is .177 and PCP and that there are guns of this type that will do both very well.

But as a newby it does seem to involve a fair bit of extra funding......ah well, I don't smoke and if I get a paper round we should be alright.


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  welshdragon said:
Hello and welcome hope you enjoy .



Thanks, what a friendly site. After these 'welcomes' dare I ask what it means when you see 'Bump' on messages? One of the other sites seems to have members frequently saying Bump and nothing else? I've just got used the interweb and can set the Personal Video Recorder (on a good day) but have decided that predictive texts on mobiles aren't in sync with my slow brain and what is a bump or nudge in forum speak?

Best Wishes


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