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meopta meostar r1 3-12 x 56 illuminated reticle.

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Haven,t that particular scope ,but a 4-16 x44 tactical on top of a .308 .Very good glass it compares favourably with a s&b i have, that cost a lot more .

I will try and locate one at the weekend and have a look through it if possible, i was intending to go for a s&b but saw this scope at a good price, an equivalent s&b would be double the cost of the Meopta

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Haven,t that particular scope ,but a 4-16 x44 tactical on top of a .308 .Very good glass it compares favourably with a s&b i have, that cost a lot more .

I will try and locate one at the weekend and have a look through it if possible, i was intending to go for a s&b but saw this scope at a good price, an equivalent s&b would be double the cost of the Meopta





I've got a Meopta, Best value scope there is, imo, excellent optics, and build quality, don't be put off by the price thinking its inferior, it isn't.


Have a look through one and you will buy it!

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