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First experience with PCP's


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Just thought I'd drop a note to let you all know I had my first outing this evening with the use of a HW100 and S410..... :clapper:


I'd especially like to thank DavyT63 for making contact with me and taking me out to one of his permissions, to let me have a go on his guns! Lucky bugger has both!!!


WOW, what a couple of guns I can't believe the difference between them and my HW77, especially in weight! Thanks to Davys excellent shooting I now know its user error and not a bad gun thats been hampering me with my HW77!! :icon_redface: So what did I prefer.... well with my limited experience I felt like the S410 fitted me better, but I think I prefered the cocking mech of the HW100! Perhaps a look at the S510 may be in order? With so many guns available, how on earth does anyone every pick one????


Just did targets this evening and had a great time in the process, definately more practice needed before I aim at anything living. But that's all part of the fun, I'll get there eventually.


Again Davy, thanks for the help today, I had a great time and also learnt alot.


See you again soon, Andy

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Just thought I'd drop a note to let you all know I had my first outing this evening with the use of a HW100 and S410..... :clapper:


I'd especially like to thank DavyT63 for making contact with me and taking me out to one of his permissions, to let me have a go on his guns! Lucky bugger has both!!!


WOW, what a couple of guns I can't believe the difference between them and my HW77, especially in weight! Thanks to Davys excellent shooting I now know its user error and not a bad gun thats been hampering me with my HW77!! :icon_redface: So what did I prefer.... well with my limited experience I felt like the S410 fitted me better, but I think I prefered the cocking mech of the HW100! Perhaps a look at the S510 may be in order? With so many guns available, how on earth does anyone every pick one????


Just did targets this evening and had a great time in the process, definately more practice needed before I aim at anything living. But that's all part of the fun, I'll get there eventually.


Again Davy, thanks for the help today, I had a great time and also learnt alot.


See you again soon, Andy



hi andyz

it was a pleasure to meet some one from T.H.L so close to my door and have a plink! with :thumbs:,i must admit i did enjoy the HW77 .22 it was a joy to shoot,so if i can pick one up me tinks! i will :gunsmilie:.to be fair andy it wasnt long enough really i would of liked for you to have say about 5 hours with me, & just to get use to the PCP's.but nice shooting once the nerves went. i had a chat with charlie and dosen't mind you joining us on one of our future hunting trips,under my supervision though young jedi :tongue2:

i see! another young jedi to take under my wing! 8):D also nice to see you pick up tings quick,example "floating" and you wont go wrong with a AAS410K!!!!

so next time you have some spare time PM me or gis a ring.


PS i was impressed with the HW77

speak soon




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Another one you've brought to the club Davy, the HW77 is a cracking springer, thats why I could'nt part with mine when I moved into PCP's :D


if it wasn't for the rain & the short time we were out,then i would probaly still be there lamping.

quality springer!!




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Davy, that s for all the help and the offer of hunting. I certainly will be in touch, even if I'm not up to scratch myself it would be great to see you and Charlie in action!


Hopefully as my knowledge and skill imcreases I'll also be get to know the guys and galls on here too. I've already realised there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum that will no doubt be very useful to me and others.


Keep up the great work, even when people don't comment they are still reading and learning! :clapper:

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Well done Davy friend,


I take my hat off to you friend :clapper: .


The more we convert to our great sport / hobby the harder it will be for the antis and goverment to put a stop to what most of us were bought up with, hunting and shooting and the country way of life.


Its not all about just killing big bags of quarry and who has the best rifle and is the best shot, its also about friendships, trust in people, respect for what we shoot and Mother Nature, skill and field craft.


I can truely say that the friends ive met on here and shot with now, Festa, Reggaeman, Wuzzy and Marksman are top friends and people i enjoy being with.





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