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Average age to shoot over a Pup

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What age was your Pup when you first shot over it and what breed is it.

I know before anyone jumps down my throat, that there are no hard and fast rules, it all depends on the dog, how its doing in its training and how mature it is, but i just wondered what the avarage age was (please tell the truith) :D .



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Just to kick it off,

i shot over my pup recently, she was 6 months, i know this is too young for some people, but i felt she was ready, we hunted up 2 or 3 rabbits, i shot 1, she made the retrieve and then we went home, all in the name of training.

The whole session was only 1 hour, which i think was enough for her age.

That was 4 weeks ago now and we haven't repeated the experience again yet, even though she did very well.

We have just carried on with further training and i will shoot over her, for another hour maybe next week, taking it slow, building up her experience and her confidence.



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Just to kick it off,

i shot over my pup recently, she was 6 months, i know this is too young for some people, but i felt she was ready, we hunted up 2 or 3 rabbits, i shot 1, she made the retrieve and then we went home, all in the name of training.

The whole session was only 1 hour, which i think was enough for her age.

That was 4 weeks ago now and we haven't repeated the experience again yet, even though she did very well.

We have just carried on with further training and i will shoot over her, for another hour maybe next week, taking it slow, building up her experience and her confidence.



The first springer spaniel I had came with me when I walked up a pond - I shot a teal and she retrieved it aged 4.5 months - she had had no training at all other than sit heel stuff.

My current springer 3.5 years old for his first shooting outing - he had been a pet with his former owner living in a terraced house in a town.

So a big difference in ages.

I think 9 to 12 months is ok to introduce but not on a regular basis- better when a bit more mature.

Edited by welshboy454
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I think it depends on the temprement of the breed of pup also i won't shoot over or near a pup until i have got it used to the sound of gunfire as i only have experience of ess so i normally start with a few shots during a hunting sesion when the pups approx 12 mths plus i read somwhere that the pups ears are not fully developed untill around about 1year old When birds were my only quarry then i shot over the dog on a full walk up day when they are about 16-18 months now on mostly bunny's it can take up to 24-30 mths before i am confedent to take a dog out on a full day and in the company of other dogs.sorry for the longwinded reply :icon_redface: atb

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