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alternative drinker

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Ive got one fert that hates drinker bottles, so have been giving him a bowl lately, but its a pain, so spotted these chicken cups on e bay and thought Id give it a go, only cost £5 inc postage, connects to any type water container, the cup is around the sizes of his snout, so when the water is getting low, and he sticks his snout in to drink/lap, he pushes the tip with his snout/nose, releashing more water, if he gets on ok with it, I'll probably change all the drinkers to these...






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if you felt the "cup" was a bit small, Im sure you could remove it with a dremmel without damage to the tap part, and simply have it above a fixed larger bowl



You love your dremmel stubby dont you any excuse to use it. :laugh: : it must have been a birthday present

Edited by moses
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how you gonna stop the water in the cup freezing in the winter ??? ...........



good point, but the water in the bottles or earthernware bowls freezes too, so not something new to worry about, I suppose I'll try insulating the bottle and pipe, as my ferts get checked every morning, it wont go unoticed, maybe a squirt of warm water into the bowl, we have chickens too, so they have the same problem


maybe others will have simular problems/remedies to their livestock


the cage that I have fitted this on, is only a temporary holding cage, a couple of weeks and he'll be moved to the block built hutches, which have alot more protection from the elements

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my bottles get covered in pipe lagging through the winter which stops them from freezing allowing the ferrets access to fresh water 24/7 ... the reason i mention the freezing water is for the people that feed dry food as the ferret needs a constant supply of fresh water ... not such a major problem for flesh fed animals and checking the water once or twice a day would be fine .............

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