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alright lads always been drawn to ferrets for some reason but only ever kept me dogs, and am in a position now space wise and that to sort meself a good little set up out and get meself a polecat hob ( thats what ive always wanted ) talkin to one of the old boys at work the other day who said he used to work ferrets back in the day and he were sayin that they are never fully tame and always nip no matter how much they are handled,is theis the case i were always under the impression that if well handled form young the quite tame little creatures like? let us know lads tah


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yeah you can fully tame the buggers ive got two and i can do what ever with them even tap them on the nose and they dont bite itt just takes handling eveyday for the first year and handling everyday after that if you have the time of course they will nip when there playing and jumping about.



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ive got 5 ferts atm 2 last years hobs which i can do anything with they are soft as clarts the other 3 are this years young 2 hobs are coming on a treat no biting the jill nips now and then but its getting less and less everyday its all how you handle,,feed ,, and look after them mate i gave 2 jills to marksman (on here) they were the same nipping every day but you should see them now complete change and a cracking pair when it comes to doing the biz


atb gary

Edited by festa
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Guest lavyheed
  mancterrierman said:
talkin to one of the old boys at work the other day who said he used to work ferrets back in the day and he were sayin that they are never fully tame and always nip no matter how much they are handled,is theis the case.


i were always under the impression that if well handled form young the quite tame little creatures like? let us know lads tah



Old Bob's talking pish, ;) Go with your instinct mate, handle them well and they will be ok.


The only time mine ever bit was the very first time i stuck her in a rabbit hole, she got my finger when i reached in to get her out, she was a little inexperienced at the time but doesn't do it now. It was a learning process for me and the ferret. :good:

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A lot of old boys will tell you the old myths about ferrets. Back in the day they were often fed nothing but bread & milk, kept in small hutches and never handled unless they were being taken out ferreting. The result was that you had a bad tempered ferret that craved meat and something to do.


If you feed your ferret correctly and give it plenty of handling and exercise, you can get it as tame as any cat or other pet animal. It's all about trust & confidence. If you are nervous of your ferret, it'll most likely pick up on that and be more likely to bite you.

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if your ferts are well handled they dont nip.i play wth mine all the time,they play bite but its just play,not a bite or a nip,even my big hob will hold my finger,and i can pull him all over,they know how hard to hold on,try putting them in a carrier bag and stick your hand in and rag em about,they love it,i ve got 5 and not one of them will bite or nip hard,as they seem to know when its play time,funny as hell having 5 ferts jump up and down,trying to play with your hand,falling all over the place,hilarious.and they love carrier bags,big style,atb,ian

Edited by ace32
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  shepp said:
I find hobs are more docile, does everybody else?


Yes very much so i didnt keep jills for about 10 yrs then a few yrs ago i took a jill in , luckly she was lovely

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