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tail docking

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  grant_c said:
  pigeon640 said:
  scottishlass said:
am sure someone tried taking them over the border got them docked and took them home and still got done for it



i see i think we should rekindle the fight to dock working dogs on welfare grounds ???





its like everything though mate, once a law is there its harder to reverse, you get all the people moaning about the ban, how many of them sat on there arse while others were marching to protest against a ban then once the ban passed everyone moans like f**k but they thought ah theyll not miss me, when thousands say this to theirself the number gets bigger, same with docking ah all let someone else fight it then it passes and they kick up about that, i can only hope the hunting ban is lifted but i have my doubts, but i think the tail docking law will be lifted at some stage but again for this the people researching undocked dogs getting damaged need to see dogs with damaged tails but again only some people are taking theyre dogs to the vets or sending their pictures to the shooting times or whoever so the damage looks not as bad as everyones making out as theyre hardly seeing dogs with injuries due to an undocked tail everytime an undocked dog has an injury they should be taking pictures of it and sending them to who needs them so the case can be fought, can anybody tell me which (if any) organisation are fighting this law?



hi grant


on the hunting ban i did march in edinburgh along princess street and was called an inbread etc by many ugly looking antis

just to let you know i dont just sit on the fence on these matters



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