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differance beetwen a phantom and real

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Been here more than once with my young bitch.Their teats swell quickly rather than towards the end of the nine weeks they hide toys and whatever else they can find and mine tends to be a bit of a cow lol.She tends to give the poor male a hard time of it she was so convincing once even the vet was sure she was as where we.Turned out not thankfully Its been said that pregnancy tests work on dogs not entirely convinced but they work on wolves so might be worth a try.Has she been caught that you know of

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If your 100%sure she aint been caught its deffo a phantom.Flints a Cowbag when shes had them in the past been horrible the last time she wouldnt let the other dog or strangers anywhere near she was seriously defensive not running when out being hell of a careful dog considering shes usually 100 miles an hour any other time.She gathered all her toys and kept treating them like pups grooming them moving them and gaurding them.She wasnt eating too much though actually went off food for ages even sardines and stuff cos i was convinced shed been caught cos my other halfs dog let my boy out his crate and theyd been together all night.I was freaking out trying to make her eat feeding her the best of fish and meat and filling her with vits and letting her away with merry hell.A soon as i relaised it was a phantom she was starved for 2 days to rid her of the milk and was well put in her place by me a few times.She was hige as well got really big and FAT so shes still on a diet even now lol

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