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lamping in the rain

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Rain, stars,moon ,windy i get out in all weather ,other wise you will never go out waiting for perfect night, ive got to be out 4 nights a week or im like a women before she flys red flag :wacko:
i have heard you walk like one as well . :whistling:

Prob mate, with stuff im carrying as dont get much help from the two old men i go with :clapper::tongue2:

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Gripper, i have to ask you, what the hell are you going on about back there. I was answering your question, nothing more. I dont think you can come on here call ing people names. Especially when you ask aquestion like you asked....


And i may get called alot, but snotty,lol. If you knew me you would laugh yourself at me being called that....


Anyway, i'm not bothered i tryed to help you but now i am buzzing, just had a day time red, with one of my dogs that has never had one one before, and single handed, so i am chuffed to bits, cant even be bothered arguing, and thats not liike me.



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gripper the best times for me is when its raining,

not only can you move around better without the game hearing you

it is also better for the majority of dogs to run on when the ground is softer :thumbs: .


just to set the record straight runforyourlife is no way an internet hunter

the guy is out in the feilds with his lurchers and ferrets more than anyone i know!




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Rain, stars,moon ,windy i get out in all weather ,other wise you will never go out waiting for perfect night, ive got to be out 4 nights a week or im like a women before she flys red flag :wacko:
i have heard you walk like one as well . :whistling:

Prob mate, with stuff im carrying as dont get much help from the two old men i go with :clapper::tongue2:

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do people go lamping in the rain or even mooching, and is there ever much out, or is it pointless because the game stay underground, im talkin about heavy constant rain, Gripper :thumbs:

thats the best time 2 get out a gale force wid and a bit of rain u just cant beat it.

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runforyourlife i know that came across a bit harsh, but thats all you get on here and thats what it seemed like so dont take it personal


as for you whin, you seem to be loving this topic and cant get enough posts in, if your always out why are you always on here so late :blink: anyway ive finished with this topic now so your free to get the last word in whin as i thought you might like that ;):feck: :feck:


atb Gripper

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No worries gripper, i dont take any personnal on here pal....Have you had another name in the past on here, as you havent been here long yet seem to know abit about the site. Dont take this personnal either, its just a question.... And can i ask another one(like you asked the original question) what dogs do you run, and how long have you been hunting for pal? Thanks for the apoligy.


take it easy Russ.

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grip i some times go out early morning first lite for a burl sometimes bolt a few rabbs sometimes lamp early, sometimes 12,1 2 3 in morning all depends how i feell and were im going , now run along, 100 yrds from house i can catch so no need to worry what time , im lucky mate hunting wise , inbetwen the dogs i work mate or out on boat fishing trapping dogs are only one part of the game

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Guest lurchers&terriers

lots on here think they and there mates are the only people who hunt.

some on here think there better than every c**t else

there's even people who wont come on here or asked to be removed because they think so highly of themselves and think there to good for the forum. wtf is that all about.

theres lots of newbies with silly questions, why does that bother people. a lot of the time there genuine questions by people who know nothing because there weren't fortunate to be brought up around hunting. if you dont like things dont read it i say. very depressing some folk on here who keep dragging folk and threads down. wake up not one member on here is better than the next. a forum needs all kinds of people to post all kinds of threads otherwise it would be boring and lifeless. i love to sit and read a wee debate or chuckle at someone making a arse of themselves ( usually me ) so come on you grumpy old timers open your minds up and try and enjoy the diversity of this site instead of grumping and dragging threads down

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lots on here think they and there mates are the only people who hunt.

some on here think there better than every c**t else

there's even people who wont come on here or asked to be removed because they think so highly of themselves and think there to good for the forum. wtf is that all about.

theres lots of newbies with silly questions, why does that bother people. a lot of the time there genuine questions by people who know nothing because there weren't fortunate to be brought up around hunting. if you dont like things dont read it i say. very depressing some folk on here who keep dragging folk and threads down. wake up not one member on here is better than the next. a forum needs all kinds of people to post all kinds of threads otherwise it would be boring and lifeless. i love to sit and read a wee debate or chuckle at someone making a arse of themselves ( usually me ) so come on you grumpy old timers open your minds up and try and enjoy the diversity of this site instead of grumping and dragging threads down

well said im a newbe and fortunate to have been taught over the last five days by a very knowledgeable lad from malven and would like to thank him and all the people on here for advice

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