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Out on the farm

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Alright guys, i havnt been posting latley, busy with all my coursework for GSCE'S :( but i managed to get an hour or so yesterday evening, went with my grandad down to my step nans. As we got there immedietly we saw a pigeon standing on the telegraph pole next to the house, i went it, got bit by the dog :( haha, told her that i was here, walked back 100 yards or so to the car, got the gun, came back, and the silly bugger was still standing there!!! about 45 yard shot, dropped like a stone didnt even twitch. Next my grandad went into the ouse for a coffee, leaving me to roam the farm for abit :) i checked the stable blocks and nothing, went over to the muck heap and there was a few maggies on there, moved closer fr a clearshot and they all flew off :icon_redface: started walking back and heard some rustling from the bushes to the side of me, recognised it as a squirrel, he shot up the telegraph pole ( different one than where i shot the pigeon ) and hid the other side, buttt aha i was too smart for him, and crept round the other side of the fenceline, crawled into postition ( about 40 yards) and squeezed off a perfect shot to the head, dropped to the ground, but his stomach was still moving asif he was breathing?? :blink: walked up shot him again in the head and he stopped, heres some pics :)









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