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Dog found i worcester canal.

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A bloke walking along the canal spotted the dogs legs in the water , so he rang the police they wouldnt come and told him to ring Rspca , they told him it wasnt there problem and to ring the waterway company up this was on tuesday the dog was pulled out till thursday, and when they did pull it out they found he had weights tied to him, poor f*****g dog , they recon he had scars and was involved in fighting , but what pisses me off is why the bloke didnt try to get the dog him self, and ther rspca have again proved what they are all about , bunch of wankers they should of been there in a flash to get that dog . i dont know how to put a link up of the artical but this was the picture from the paper .



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Guest lavyheed
should have told the RSPCA the BBC were filming in the area, the w@nkers would have been straight out then..


Agree with your comment steve109.


Ever tried to phone them in an emergency? It's a feckin answer machine.

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Rip poor dog i hope the sick twisted b*****d that done this falls under a truck or better still drowns in the canal.Why the feck would anyone do this hand it to a rescue or the police and say its a stray or something no need to drown the poor fecker

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