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going to test these snares soon

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most of you will have read my other recent topic about my cat so the adjustments i have made so far with a mix of GSW techniques and a single tealer.


i have only made up 3 so far but i will make up a dozen and try them when i get some more stuff.a picture says a 1000 words .


due to the length of the ground spike on the single tealer, if the peg were ever pulled out the peg should fall out from the swivel and the qucik clip lays flat against the tealer reducing the chance of a tangle. (i know the peg needs pushing in but it is just for pictures sake and the ground is like concrete in my garden, the snares are 6 strand and have beakaway eyelets and deer stops in and were spun by myself.


me and holdaway agree to disagree on whether the wire type peg will hold the snare secourely enough for the breakaway to opperate, but that is the point of trialing them. i will let you know how it gets on


any advice appreciated


atb rob



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The system works fine Rob, I even had a snare broken by a fox, while using the wire pegs, yet it didn't pull. Sea fishing swivels are usually strong enough too. Rabbits pull from a very low angle and don't have a lot of leverage. I always used the fig four tealers, that's the only difference.

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The system works fine Rob, I even had a snare broken by a fox, while using the wire pegs, yet it didn't pull. Sea fishing swivels are usually strong enough too. Rabbits pull from a very low angle and don't have a lot of leverage. I always used the fig four tealers, that's the only difference.


my theory was that was with the single tealer design if pulled it folded flat with ery little trailing behind (plus thats all i had :whistling: ) i will get some better swivels soon but they are what i had for now.


thanks for your thoughts



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I have used a similar set up before Rob and there was no problem, especially on frost hardened (or sun baked!) ground.


The swivels will be a fine, albeit expensive in large quantities, addition to the snare, and they will make setting it up easier on the wire anchor pins


Edited to add: put the loop on your tealer on the other side Rob (towards the run) - that way the wire 'paperclip' will hold a double part of the loop and not pull out when it gets hit by something bigger



Edited by OldTrapCollector
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I have used a similar set up before Rob and there was no problem, especially on frost hardened (or sun baked!) ground.


The swivels will be a fine, albeit expensive in large quantities, addition to the snare, and they will make setting it up easier on the wire anchor pins


Edited to add: put the loop on your tealer on the other side Rob (towards the run) - that way the wire 'paperclip' will hold a double part of the loop and not pull out when it gets hit by something bigger




cheers otc but my tealer loop is wound round twice so its already and a double part but i will try the other way too and see how they perform ;)

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a good sea swivel will hold about 100lb( should be enough).

a screw type peg would hold even better, i have seen them in plastic for tents( maybe too expensive?)

good luck.


I always use 12" off cuts of angle iron to use as anchors,drill a hole through the top and place a mini D shackle on,and just link it up to the snare,works wonders.

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Like your method your using as a tealer,but not sure if your anchor would hold a big dog fox,however if it works then fair enough,good design though really like your set up ;)


being as its a rabbit snare i do not mind if it doesn't hold a big dog fox but i am going to try and snare some charlies soon and i was wondering about tealers and pegs for them.


atb rob

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Like your method your using as a tealer,but not sure if your anchor would hold a big dog fox,however if it works then fair enough,good design though really like your set up ;)


being as its a rabbit snare i do not mind if it doesn't hold a big dog fox but i am going to try and snare some charlies soon and i was wondering about tealers and pegs for them.


atb rob


Sorry bud mis understood,thought you were setting them for mr tod. :rolleyes:

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