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Ferreting today.

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Out this morning on the ground i got last week,the wind was very strong gusty.Arrived at the first sett,put the nets down and waited,10 mins later .............WHOOSH..........rabbit hits the net quickly followed by another that got away,it ran the way i was going to set the stop net if i could have got the fecking poles in the ground :censored::wallbash: like concrete,managed to get them in a fraction then a gust of wind and it was over :censored: ,in the end put it back in the motor pointless carrying it with us.Another 2 bolted from a hole we did not see,and ran the same way as the last one :censored: .

So on to the next set under a bramble hedge with nettles,set the nets and waited,a rabbit bolted straight away purse net got caught on a bramble and the rabbit got away,next 2 that bolted however where nicely pursed :toast: .Then my dad fell down a hole and was shouting,the brambles had wrapped round his leg and he couldn't get out,so i ran over.........and took a photo :laugh: ,managed to get him out and his leg was ripped to bits.The wind by now was really blowing,trying to set the nets was a nightmare,you would have hold of the peg and a gust of wind it was like flying a kite :laugh: .On to the next set nets down and wait,my dad picking thorns out of his leg :laugh: a rabbit bolted on his side which he hobbled over to get it.Then another bolted on my side purse net snagged again and rabbits away to freedom,it went quite for a bit,Then the thumping started,WHAM another hits the purse net and is caught,quickly followed by another on my dad's side,who was STILL picking thorns out of his leg :laugh: .He did not do bad for a man of 68,though the climb back up the hill took the wind out of him.So eneded the day on six and six getting away because i could not use the stop nets.The wind was still blowing so i went back later to set a few snares.


A few pics.


The land we was working.



The veiw from top of the hill.




My dad in the hole,he was smiling then but the moment the camra was away he was moaning and swearing. :laugh:



A few set's we did,as you can see from the pics the undergrowth was a nightmare.





Rabbit in the net.



My dad ready to dispatch.



The long walk back :laugh: he had to stop half way to catch his breath,then the wind blow his hat off,back down the hill it went :laugh: .







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  stealthy1 said:
Well done MrT, the winds been a git here too, who went to fetch your old boys hat? him or you :D


There was no way i was going back down that hill at my time of life :laugh: .I couldn't fetch it anyway i could not stop laughing as he was hobbling down the hill muttering something about "POXY FECKING WIND" :laugh: .


KAY my dad as me in stiches,the things he does or says.We was sat in the car having a brew,he chucked the dreggs out his cup the wind blow it back at him and all down the side of the car :laugh::laugh:.It took him half an hour to take the end of day shot of me,all he had to do was press one button he couldn't even mange that without knackering up the camera :laugh:

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  MR TEA POT said:
  stealthy1 said:
Well done MrT, the winds been a git here too, who went to fetch your old boys hat? him or you :D


There was no way i was going back down that hill at my time of life :laugh: .I couldn't fetch it anyway i could not stop laughing as he was hobbling down the hill muttering something about "POXY FECKING WIND" :laugh: .


KAY my dad as me in stiches,the things he does or says.We was sat in the car having a brew,he chucked the dreggs out his cup the wind blow it back at him and all down the side of the car :laugh::laugh:.It took him half an hour to take the end of day shot of me,all he had to do was press one button he couldn't even mange that without knackering up the camera :laugh:


:laugh::laugh::laugh: dont let him on your pc then :laugh::laugh:

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  MR TEA POT said:
Out this morning on the ground i got last week,the wind was very strong gusty.Arrived at the first sett,put the nets down and waited,10 mins later .............WHOOSH..........rabbit hits the net quickly followed by another that got away,it ran the way i was going to set the stop net if i could have got the fecking poles in the ground :censored::wallbash: like concrete,managed to get them in a fraction then a gust of wind and it was over :censored: ,in the end put it back in the motor pointless carrying it with us.Another 2 bolted from a hole we did not see,and ran the same way as the last one :censored: .

So on to the next set under a bramble hedge with nettles,set the nets and waited,a rabbit bolted straight away purse net got caught on a bramble and the rabbit got away,next 2 that bolted however where nicely pursed :toast: .Then my dad fell down a hole and was shouting,the brambles had wrapped round his leg and he couldn't get out,so i ran over.........and took a photo :laugh: ,managed to get him out and his leg was ripped to bits.The wind by now was really blowing,trying to set the nets was a nightmare,you would have hold of the peg and a gust of wind it was like flying a kite :laugh: .On to the next set nets down and wait,my dad picking thorns out of his leg :laugh: a rabbit bolted on his side which he hobbled over to get it.Then another bolted on my side purse net snagged again and rabbits away to freedom,it went quite for a bit,Then the thumping started,WHAM another hits the purse net and is caught,quickly followed by another on my dad's side,who was STILL picking thorns out of his leg :laugh: .He did not do bad for a man of 68,though the climb back up the hill took the wind out of him.So eneded the day on six and six getting away because i could not use the stop nets.The wind was still blowing so i went back later to set a few snares.


A few pics.


The land we was working.



The veiw from top of the hill.




My dad in the hole,he was smiling then but the moment the camra was away he was moaning and swearing. :laugh:



A few set's we did,as you can see from the pics the undergrowth was a nightmare.





Rabbit in the net.



My dad ready to dispatch.



The long walk back :laugh: he had to stop half way to catch his breath,then the wind blow his hat off,back down the hill it went :laugh: .







Magwitch and I were out today,same problem ,the ground was like concrete ,and the wind blew the poles down,its just started to tip down here ,hope it keeps it up!


Your permission looks great! Have a good season. Inan.

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