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I have conditions that run to 4,a


Then the additional conditions start with number 5, next to that it starts D. Before I hade my open ticket and could only shoot on land passed for the calibre my additional conditions started with a C. I asked the FLO what the letters were for and he stated that the C is permission to shoot where the land is passed for the calibre and D is a full open ticket.

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I have conditions that run to 4,a


Then the additional conditions start with number 5, next to that it starts D. Before I hade my open ticket and could only shoot on land passed for the calibre my additional conditions started with a C. I asked the FLO what the letters were for and he stated that the C is permission to shoot where the land is passed for the calibre and D is a full open ticket.



This is all news to me, it certainly does not apply to my region and I have NO letters at all. (and an Open FAC)


Is this just another variation from a region designed to confuse everyone. Just what is the point in having a letter to say it is Open..it will say that in the conditions, likewise if it is not, it will also say that in the conditions...doesn't add up to me!! :hmm:

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Well Spangle, apologies then, you're just going on what you were told.


Looks like your firearms dept is REALLY screwy - no basis for that anywhere, not law, not HO guidance, or anything.


Ultimately, only the exact wording of the ticket counts anyway, so all rather pointless.

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