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Risk Asessment

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I just wondered if anybody on here has a copy of a risk asessment form for ferreting,

if not a blank form would be handy for me to do one of my own.




Risk Assessment form for ferreting? Eh, Shepp, do you need to have one for the permission your on or summat? Is it paid work, if so draw up you own. I'm at home not work otherwise i'd send you a blank.


Heres how they go, draw up a box grid on 'excel' and put these headings in across the page....


First box 'ref no.',


Second box 'Hazard' (what could cause harm),


Third 'Risk of' (What could happen),


Fourth 'Risk to' (Who might be harmed),


Fifth 'Existing control measures' (List all measures you do, eg Elimination, reduction, isolation, training etc),


After that four small boxes headed, 'Likeilyhood', 'Severity', 'Risk Rating', 'Further Action'.


Identify your Hazards, then fill in the other boxes as you go.


Do a points system for likeilyhood & severity up to five, ie, one being lowest five being highest and times (X) one by the other to find the 'Risk Rating', anything over ten should be put into the Further Action box marked 'yes' (and do sommat about it!) or under 'No', job done!


Worth bearing in mind that ALL risk assessments don't mean 'diddley', in a court without an Index with review dates!!


Hope that is of help but i'll bet whilst I've been writing, some one has sent you a blank!!



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I just wondered if anybody on here has a copy of a risk asessment form for ferreting,

if not a blank form would be handy for me to do one of my own.




Risk Assessment form for ferreting? Eh, Shepp, do you need to have one for the permission your on or summat? Is it paid work, if so draw up you own. I'm at home not work otherwise i'd send you a blank.


Heres how they go, draw up a box grid on 'excel' and put these headings in across the page....


First box 'ref no.',


Second box 'Hazard' (what could cause harm),


Third 'Risk of' (What could happen),


Fourth 'Risk to' (Who might be harmed),


Fifth 'Existing control measures' (List all measures you do, eg Elimination, reduction, isolation, training etc),


After that four small boxes headed, 'Likeilyhood', 'Severity', 'Risk Rating', 'Further Action'.


Identify your Hazards, then fill in the other boxes as you go.


Do a points system for likeilyhood & severity up to five, ie, one being lowest five being highest and times (X) one by the other to find the 'Risk Rating', anything over ten should be put into the Further Action box marked 'yes' (and do sommat about it!) or under 'No', job done!


Worth bearing in mind that ALL risk assessments don't mean 'diddley', in a court without an Index with review dates!!


Hope that is of help but i'll bet whilst I've been writing, some one has sent you a blank!!





risk assesment for ferreting never heard of that

what could cause harm....knasher the ferret

what could happen..........bite to the lip whilst looking down burrow

who might be harmed..... meeee!!!!!

how it could be avoided...wear a dr lecter muzzle :tongue2:


seriously though like bosun says they aint worth diddly.. also to go with a risk assesment you usally need a method statment ie,what you going to do and how you going to do it..

unless you are pest control company with proper public liabilaty i wouldnt bother,just obtain some sort of arranged ground rules from the farmer or land owner.



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Cheers Bosun and Johnmac, some of the bigger organisations ask for one when you apply for ferreting.

I would guess hazards would include tetanus, weils disease, expsure and twisted ankles in holes.

Bullshit i know, but that's the way it's going.


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