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A .22 will the job fine for rabbits, .17 hmr will do for longer range shooting,rabbits, crows ect and can be used for close range fox, however you would be best to speak to your feo about wether or not you would get a .17hmr for fox on your ticket, some constabularies do grant it for fox some do not (so i have heard) the ideal rifle for fox would be something like a .223, but i doubt you will get this on a first application and if you do it would almost certainly come with a mentoring condition, you could try for a 22wmr which would be fine too but being a centre fire most constabularies would probably not grant it without a mentoring condition on a first grant (i know mine wont anyway) :wallbash: so id stick with the .22lr for rabbits up to about 60 yards and a .17hmr for longer range stuff and close range fox (if you can get it), the .22lr ammo is cheaper and they are alot quieter than the .17hmr due to them being subsonic. As for the make of rifle, most people on here would agree that the cz 452 is a great hunting rifle, and ideal for beginners because they do not cost the world either you can get a full set up fpr between £350 and £450, of course there are better rifles but it depends what you want to spend, most people on here will own or have owned a cz 452 at some point and not many will say a bad word about them, hope this helps and all the best with the application.


All the best Adam

Edited by adamthomas64
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I asked for 17 hmr and 22wmr ,however was only granted 17hmr and 22lr as the local plod didnt seem to know much about 22wmr.Have had a good success rate with the 17 hmr on fox tho although i must admit have had a good few loses i.e. hitting them then them getting up and getting to cover .Am going for C/F as soon as ive saved pennies so i dont get any loses

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  mantha said:
im applying for my fac and im not sure what caliber/gun/s to put down,im after one for rabbits and close range fox work also what ammo to use.any advice will be much appreciated atb mantha.


Hi Mantha,


There is obviously a big difference between the size of a fox and the size of a rabbit, so in general your going to need two separate calibres to control the two different species.

Then you need to ask yourself what you want to do with the rabbits, obviously the foxes will not be for the table. There is a growing and IMHO sickening culture of "the more mashed the better" & "the more gruesome my kills the better I am". Not so long ago people took pride in shooting rabbits for the table, a well placed shot and a good source of free range meat. These days if you can blow the bunny from kingdom come, then you need to brag about it and show everyone pictures of the internals. This is just my opinion. So back to the rabbits, if your going to eat them then a .22rf is the long time established tool for the job and perfect for the job. If not, then the .17 HMR will increase your accurate range. Whe you say close range fox, what exactly do you mean by close range? Many would consider 100 yards to be close range on fox. The problem with being under gunned is that you may be tempted to take unethical shots, so if you are 100% disciplined in your approach to fox control and do not take shots over the effective range and can hit your target, head shots on occasional foxes at 50 yards can be achieved with the .22rf but you are going to be limited and not just by being under gunned but also by your licensing department.

IMHO the .17 HMR is not foxing round, next up would be the .22 WMR which is good out to 75 to 100 yards but under the shadow of the .22 Hornet, which is miles better and not half bad on long range rabbits with the right bullet. After that you start to get in to the main stream centre fire rounds such as the .222, .223, .22-250 all of which are most excellent mid and long range foxing rounds each with it's own benefits and negatives.

Your going to have a hard time convincing your licensing department to issue you with a centerfire rifle on your first application, of course you'll hear from 100's of people who have been issued a .308 for mole control on their first application but take it from me, it's a load of cobblers. So you might be stuck "wanting" until you have got some experience. The most sensible of rounds for a first applicant would be .22rf (vermin / ground game ) and .22 Hornet (vermin / ground game / fox) IMHO.



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"you'll hear from 100's of people who have been issued a .308 for mole control on their first application but take it from me, it's a load of cobblers."






I can assure you it's not, I got a 22.250 cf, 22lr, 17 hmr and a Fac air all on 1st application. But i am an old git, with acres of land, and been shooting shotguns for years, and army training.


I do know of somebody who could ONLY have a 22 lr and they must have their DSC level 1 before they even applied.


It does vary between Forces, Feo's and applicants unfortunately.



But i do go along with all the excellent advice given.

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  HUnter_zero said:
  mantha said:
im applying for my fac and im not sure what caliber/gun/s to put down,im after one for rabbits and close range fox work also what ammo to use.any advice will be much appreciated atb mantha.


Hi Mantha,


There is obviously a big difference between the size of a fox and the size of a rabbit, so in general your going to need two separate calibres to control the two different species.

Then you need to ask yourself what you want to do with the rabbits, obviously the foxes will not be for the table. There is a growing and IMHO sickening culture of "the more mashed the better" & "the more gruesome my kills the better I am". Not so long ago people took pride in shooting rabbits for the table, a well placed shot and a good source of free range meat. These days if you can blow the bunny from kingdom come, then you need to brag about it and show everyone pictures of the internals. This is just my opinion. So back to the rabbits, if your going to eat them then a .22rf is the long time established tool for the job and perfect for the job. If not, then the .17 HMR will increase your accurate range. Whe you say close range fox, what exactly do you mean by close range? Many would consider 100 yards to be close range on fox. The problem with being under gunned is that you may be tempted to take unethical shots, so if you are 100% disciplined in your approach to fox control and do not take shots over the effective range and can hit your target, head shots on occasional foxes at 50 yards can be achieved with the .22rf but you are going to be limited and not just by being under gunned but also by your licensing department.

IMHO the .17 HMR is not foxing round, next up would be the .22 WMR which is good out to 75 to 100 yards but under the shadow of the .22 Hornet, which is miles better and not half bad on long range rabbits with the right bullet. After that you start to get in to the main stream centre fire rounds such as the .222, .223, .22-250 all of which are most excellent mid and long range foxing rounds each with it's own benefits and negatives.

Your going to have a hard time convincing your licensing department to issue you with a centerfire rifle on your first application, of course you'll hear from 100's of people who have been issued a .308 for mole control on their first application but take it from me, it's a load of cobblers. So you might be stuck "wanting" until you have got some experience. The most sensible of rounds for a first applicant would be .22rf (vermin / ground game ) and .22 Hornet (vermin / ground game / fox) IMHO.




I put in for my FAC and put on my ticket that i want to use FAC air rifle with mod and rimfire with mod, can you tell me what i am limited to and the best gun i can use for over all use, for rabbit, fox ect. I did notice you mentioned the .22 hornet is this my best choice, i have about a grand to spend

Edited by mal mason
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  mal mason said:
I put in for my FAC and put on my ticket that i want to use FAC air rifle with mod and rimfire with mod, can you tell me what i am limited to and the best gun i can use for over all use, for rabbit, fox ect. I did notice you mentioned the .22 hornet is this my best choice, i have about a grand to spend


I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. This is just my opinion, but if you have an FAC I'd not waste my time with an FAC rated airgun, well over priced and of little use. There is no such thing as "The best gun" (or more correctly rifle). No one calibre of rifle will let you shoot foxes and rabbits if you want to eat or sell the rabbits. The .22rf is great for the rabbits. I would try for a .22H or even push the boat out for a .222 for the foxes but it's easy for me to say as I don't have any restrictions in normal terms. Rifles are not really expensive if compared to shotguns, so £1000 will see you fine. My advise as always is to speak to your licensing department explaining what you need a firearm for and asking their advice as to which calibre you may apply for.



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  mantha said:
im applying for my fac and im not sure what caliber/gun/s to put down,im after one for rabbits and close range fox work also what ammo to use.any advice will be much appreciated atb mantha.



This is the answer to your question...easy!! :thumbs: Unfortunately many regions will not entertain ANY rimfire on foxes, if this is the case substitute the WMR for Hornet!


22LR and 22WMR


22LR subsonic ammo for quiet rabbit killing


22WMR 40gr JHP unless you can get the new 30gr V-max, will kill foxes nicely to about 125 yards.

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