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best food for running type dog

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Mine are on royal canin at the moment cos im mad must be at the price of it :o But when you read the things that are in there its worth it had to up the protein cos my sal x is a skinny beggar all the time find it hard to keep weight on him.He loses it so easy and then takes forever to put it back on.If hes ill we end up with skeletor the dog and for months he looks straved and hes getting double portions.My bitch has to look at food and the weight goers on so thinking of changing her to a lower protein

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i couldnt find a good one realy so had mine made for me the lads round me think its great bit like austrailian formula and a bit like red mills but less protein, designed for working dogs not track dogs with all the maze taken out and oils and vitamins added in.



Also feed a barf diet as i think dogs should eat properly i just mix the dried with the meat

Edited by sh 08
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