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.22LR or .17HMR For Very Close Range Fox

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also no ricochets as the tiny bullet vapourises on anything bigger than a grass stem.


HMR will ricochet :yes: I've heard them :icon_eek: They just don't do it nearly as often as the .22lr.

Not so my friend, the 'Wheeee' you heard is most probably just the base of the copper jacket and a smidgen of lead core whizzing off at a crazy angle, whistling dixie as it is doing 1500 fps. No danger to the general public and only goes 50>100 yards anyway. Unlike the 40 Grain soft lead .22 rimfire slug which is the original 'rubber bullet'.

Andy F.

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If you are close enough what about a shotgun with 50 odd grams of BB,s just a thought

Both rimfires are not fox tools in reality just beacause people use them including me there are better choices .22WMR is one rimfire better suited to foxes and the Hornet is an entry level C/f.

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