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  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:

its got feck all to di wi it being the norm....what is the point :wallbash: is there not enough breeds of lurchers out there to choose from,that would do the job better,ffs its just a money making scam by some dog peddlar prick :censored:


my gran once owned a yorkie that used to slay rats...any terriermen fancy adding them to their bloodline

its called trying some thing different if given the option,just like you not keeping the same car all your life .each to their own ,you just keep running the norm ,and those that want to try and go forward will try something different .

i know what your saying mate,and im open to someone proving me wrong,why dont you buy 1 of those pups and in a few years time if you tell me that the dog surpasses every other cross youve ever owned or seen,then fair do,s but i expect its already been done before and didnt make the grade thats why the majority of em are confined to the show bench,this is not an argument just mho...pls tell me what this cross could offer in a lurcher that we havent got already :victory:

i would not have one my self , i only lamp ,but i bet if you lived in a place with a lot of cover ,ie, gorss bushes ,and thick brambles and you ferreted a lot ,it would be able to go where other dogs with a thinner coat would not venture ,
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  UNFIT said:
  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:

its got feck all to di wi it being the norm....what is the point :wallbash: is there not enough breeds of lurchers out there to choose from,that would do the job better,ffs its just a money making scam by some dog peddlar prick :censored:


my gran once owned a yorkie that used to slay rats...any terriermen fancy adding them to their bloodline

its called trying some thing different if given the option,just like you not keeping the same car all your life .each to their own ,you just keep running the norm ,and those that want to try and go forward will try something different .

i know what your saying mate,and im open to someone proving me wrong,why dont you buy 1 of those pups and in a few years time if you tell me that the dog surpasses every other cross youve ever owned or seen,then fair do,s but i expect its already been done before and didnt make the grade thats why the majority of em are confined to the show bench,this is not an argument just mho...pls tell me what this cross could offer in a lurcher that we havent got already :victory:

i would not have one my self , i only lamp ,but i bet if you lived in a place with a lot of cover ,ie, gorss bushes ,and thick brambles and you ferreted a lot ,it would be able to go where other dogs with a thinner coat would not venture ,


Only if it had the heart to Unfit, only if they have the heart!


Lurcher lass i'll put my money that the've been bred from none working stock and that would be too much of a gamble for me, as would the many litters advertised on here, 'deeds not words'!


I've said it before, personally, I like a wierdo cross, seen a few over the years and was very impressed by some but i'll bet this was a planned breeding for the sheckel not the field.


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  BIG T said:
Its all about £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££



Hi BIG T.Its also about the nutter,s who will buy them.atb. Catcher :thumbs:

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saw a good standard poodle a cat kiiler and with abit traing probaly fox not my type of dog ,but it could mix it with other dogs ,i had a big collie greyhound a tough dog, him and the standard poodle were at it fighting my dog was quicker but not a mark it had a coat like a rhino and it had been clipped ,now to charge 350 for a chance mating well its expensive and its a chance mating , none have proven there selve like winning forley cup cambridge cup ,or hunting trails a bit steep ,but its not up to us to comment its up to the people left with them if they dont sell , money behing thta one of breeding i think

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Poodle history

The poodle was originally developed as a hunting dog. The dense, tightly curled fur was

developed to be nearly waterproof, and they were used as a retrieving dog. This is where the

"show" coat had its foundation. Hunters used a much shorter version of the "foofy" clip. The hair

was left longer around the internal organs, joints of the legs and top of the head to protect against

the effects of cold weather and cold water. The rest of the body was cut shorter for less drag in

the water. Around the middle of the twentieth century the poodle fell out of favor for hunting,

mainly due to the difficulty of removing twigs, stickers, and burrs from the coat.

As they fell out of favor for hunting, they became very popular in other areas. Their incredible

intelligence made them good at almost anything humans wanted them to do.



To cross this with a greyhound could make a good, intelligent fast dog..


Would just depend on what you wanted it for.


I think the price is Greedy...

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I had a standard poodle dog, great temperament, very biddable, great nose and 100% retriever, jump for fun and could run all day. I wonder if everyone knocking them could say the same of their chosen type of lurcher?.

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put this post up just for the crack cant believe all these people defending such a cross!! due to the breedin the pups would throw less than half greyhound which is a distinct disadvantage if you ask me!! im fully aware what poodles were originally bred for but they have not done this job in the uk for a very long time!! mainly due to the fact that there are much better dogs out there suited to the job, ie curly coated retriever or water spaniel!! both of which are struggling as a breed in there own right!! did the advert say "a working poodle cross" no it didnt, if you wanted a "gun dog" cross surely you would use a pointer spaniel or lab from good proven working stock!! giving the pups the best infusion of field skills that you could!! a poodle for gods sake!! maybe ill get me a bull terrier for fighting bulls ha ha or a dogue de bordeaux for fighting lions!! they must still be able to do it thats what they were originally breed for (even though dogues were re invented) thats all i gots to say!! thanks

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  Macsen said:
Noticed that the name at the top of the add in CW, 'Typp Ratcher' was also the name of the person who wrote the piece 'Rabbiting on the high fell' on page nine of this weeks issue...

i noticed the name and the rabbiting on the high fell article too, is this guy not quite a well known name in the dog world?? :hmm: i know i have heard of him before but who the fcuk am i :whistling: ??!!! don't think al be running all the way with a deposit!!!! :boogie::no::bye:

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  swag said:
dont really read the countrymans for such reasons as im about to say but was waiting around today on the tractor so i got one!! went to the classified section and what do i find!!! lurcher cross poodles!! and the advert said and i quote "fine puppies will make excellent workers show or pey, with great temperament and working abilities from the dam , plus the genes of the sire ,that will hold all the qualities of a very old hgunting breed !!!!! and a deposit will secure u one lads then tally up the full £350 that the boy is asking well i told yous so get a countrymans and get ya self a PROPER WORKING DOG!! ALL THE BEST SWAG!!



Made me chuckle when i saw it. Some plonkers about.

My guess is its an accidental mateing and they are trying to cash in on it.

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