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  lurcher lass said:
  breeze said:
  colliejohn said:
  MIST NET said:
I remember talking to dave sleight about a greyhound x poodle (he brought up the subject) and he seemed to recon the cross would do alright...he also mentioned the greyhound x labrador which in his eyes would make tidy knock about lurchers (didnt the pointer x do alright ?).i suppose its also got a lot to do with the person who trains such a animal (the better the trainer the better the dog)....now as for the price..well i supose thats up to the seller isnt it ?...what im trying to say is dont knock any cross till its been proper trained and then properly tested....

My sentiments indeed, infact this cross could throw a decent versatile dog in the right hands, the poodle is a very intelligent breed of dog , in France and in other European countries they are still worked, a dog of this breed i should think would have a excellent coat, decent feet, plenty of brains, it woul suit somebody who likes rough shooting/ wildfowling, mooching, ferreting, and it would certainly have enough pace for lamping, the trouble is nowadays alot of lads prefer point and aim dogs, and they can,t be bothered to train dogs up to a decent standard, and they prefer a dog with what i would call less brain power. regards collie john.


COLLIE JOHN ..... Does this mean that you have put your name on one of these pup's then mate ? ? After giving such a dog bred this way such a good write up



i have said before, i personally think they could be a great cross for so many reasons! but end of the day every one likes their own types of lurchers, each to their own . .



plus a poodle is a stunning dog without the stupid hair cut!!



The stupid hair cut was designed to allow the dogs to move better through water when retrieving fowl, whilst still keeping the finer parts of the body insulated against the cold. :victory:

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  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:

its got feck all to di wi it being the norm....what is the point :wallbash: is there not enough breeds of lurchers out there to choose from,that would do the job better,ffs its just a money making scam by some dog peddlar prick :censored:


my gran once owned a yorkie that used to slay rats...any terriermen fancy adding them to their bloodline

its called trying some thing different if given the option,just like you not keeping the same car all your life .each to their own ,you just keep running the norm ,and those that want to try and go forward will try something different . Edited by UNFIT
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  whippet 99 said:
  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:

i exspect its your advert :wallbash:

no mate i dont sell or breed dogs ,i get one at a time and being the person i am , i make it into a top dog .
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  Hannah4181 said:
  lurcher lass said:
  breeze said:
  colliejohn said:
  MIST NET said:
I remember talking to dave sleight about a greyhound x poodle (he brought up the subject) and he seemed to recon the cross would do alright...he also mentioned the greyhound x labrador which in his eyes would make tidy knock about lurchers (didnt the pointer x do alright ?).i suppose its also got a lot to do with the person who trains such a animal (the better the trainer the better the dog)....now as for the price..well i supose thats up to the seller isnt it ?...what im trying to say is dont knock any cross till its been proper trained and then properly tested....

My sentiments indeed, infact this cross could throw a decent versatile dog in the right hands, the poodle is a very intelligent breed of dog , in France and in other European countries they are still worked, a dog of this breed i should think would have a excellent coat, decent feet, plenty of brains, it woul suit somebody who likes rough shooting/ wildfowling, mooching, ferreting, and it would certainly have enough pace for lamping, the trouble is nowadays alot of lads prefer point and aim dogs, and they can,t be bothered to train dogs up to a decent standard, and they prefer a dog with what i would call less brain power. regards collie john.


COLLIE JOHN ..... Does this mean that you have put your name on one of these pup's then mate ? ? After giving such a dog bred this way such a good write up



i have said before, i personally think they could be a great cross for so many reasons! but end of the day every one likes their own types of lurchers, each to their own . .



plus a poodle is a stunning dog without the stupid hair cut!!



The stupid hair cut was designed to allow the dogs to move better through water when retrieving fowl, whilst still keeping the finer parts of the body insulated against the cold. :victory:


also to protect the joints from knocks too, i used to have one


p.s bless spider looking all handsome this week!!

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  UNFIT said:
  craigyboy said:
  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:

its got feck all to di wi it being the norm....what is the point :wallbash: is there not enough breeds of lurchers out there to choose from,that would do the job better,ffs its just a money making scam by some dog peddlar prick :censored:


my gran once owned a yorkie that used to slay rats...any terriermen fancy adding them to their bloodline

its called trying some thing different if given the option,just like you not keeping the same car all your life .each to their own ,you just keep running the norm ,and those that want to try and go forward will try something different .

i know what your saying mate,and im open to someone proving me wrong,why dont you buy 1 of those pups and in a few years time if you tell me that the dog surpasses every other cross youve ever owned or seen,then fair do,s but i expect its already been done before and didnt make the grade thats why the majority of em are confined to the show bench,this is not an argument just mho...pls tell me what this cross could offer in a lurcher that we havent got already :victory:

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Well i know i wouldn't have one, and the people who say they would make good dogs wouldn't either if it came to the crunch, so why argue the fact.


Its OK saying poodles are intelligent, agile and have good feet, but 99.9% of poodles in this country are out and out show shit, and have been bred for looks and money for years.......you wouldn't put a British bulldog anywhere near a bull would you? let alone cross it with a greyhound to make a good fox dog lol?


350 quid?! you gotta be joking, and to be honest CW are sellout twats, irresponsible and have no morals for allowing adverts like that to be published.



Like someone said its all about the POUND signs.

Edited by jlp
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  UNFIT said:
that seems to be a big problem on here ,if it aint the normal run of the mill breed or way things are done ,it gets slated . by all these so called hunters . : :yes:


Lets get it right Unfit, that cross in the Countrymans is probably bred just to make a buck, as anything with Poodle in it these days is fetching good money.


Now as for Standard Poodle crosses, true Poodles are a gun dog breed and in France, they are worked effectivley still BUT 99.9% of them over here are bred just for the show bench and lets face it, Poodles have been one of the most popular and long serving canine show ponies. In other words, for the production of decent servicable Lurchers.... Shite!

If someone was looking for a gun dog cross we have plenty here that are not show tainted, choose one of them!


Jlp, is bang on with his Bulldog scenario, thats how it is!

Just because the Standard Poodle looks the part (and it is a fine looker shaved down) doesn't mean it'll produce sevicable honest grafting Lurchers, it'll catch you a rabbit or two but how many would it run on a good windy night with your battery on a full charge and bunnies everywhere, how long before it 'hurts' and tells you it's had enough.


Finally, i'll say it till i'm blue in the face, we have enough shite being bred as it is, this would be just another litter that, at best, fill local rescue centres, at worst, taint decent working dogs forever by bloodline!

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  farlap said:
there was a lady in Luton putting standard poodle to lurcher and getting a reasonable working dog from it. Why do people always think "poodle" = some namby pamby toy breed? Standards are a great breed with good working potential. We had one that was as good as a lab on our shoot.

Why pay £350 for a reasonable working dog? It is probably this clown selling them



Edited by MOO
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Breeze, as you know i breed my own strain of collie lurchers, so why would i want to go else where, i,m more than happy with my dog,s , secondly to all the knockers on here, do you pull your face when you see Bull cross litters, off which there are about twenty litters advertised each week, your not telling me they are all bred off working stock, or the saluki type dogs or pups that are advertised for 600 POUND PLUS, that haven,t even seen a hare, just because someone as bred this litter they get slated, also it was a planned mating not a accident. regards collie john.

Edited by colliejohn
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if there so great all the people saying try something new, sticking up for them would you realy own one i dought it. but this is the hunting life so i guess you all would. it's obviosly a money making scam and it would'nt supprise me if its that graham muppet pm him if you wont one then let urs all no how great they are instead of talking shite on here about something no one realy has experience about

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like i say each to their own,, but i would love to see how they turned out later on


in regards to would they give up during a nights lamping, they'd be fine, they keep their fitness very well and not difficult to train at all, the coat protects similar to the beddy, and like i say as long as the lurcher was put to a decent working poodle then why the bloody hell not! its nice to see a planned mating which isn't pages and pages of collie x or bull x simply because my friend has a bitch which we see all the time!


my poodle was once attacked by a mastif and staffie x and he was very nearly dead, he pulled through and even when he had staples in he wanted to go out,, so in regards to hurting and wanting to go home i honestly doubt this would be the case


if the breeder is reading this, all the best with the pups they looked well and i do hope they go to decent working homes to people who will give the dog a chance! every pup is different you cannot be sure any pup will develope into very good workers simply because they are all individual,, its luck in the draw...


all the best Annemarie xxx

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