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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Miserable occurrance, mate. But, like the man said; Hasn't been known before in thirty years, look.


Fact is, " Terrier X " ? See it, can't ye: Completley undisciplined 'Lap Dog' who figures he rules the world, and is left to try and do so, comes bolting off her property to have a go at the Hounds. I wouldn't even suggest the result was 'predictable'. That one obviously just pushed it a bit far with the wrong couple. Sh!t happens.


I don't think anyone in the world could have asked more than what the Hunt's given and offered to give in compensation.


If it were me, I'd have been embarressed to have let my Dogs run riot like that. Blamed my own stupidity. Not the Hounds :no:


Maybe now the lady will use her cash payment to install a buried electric fence, eh? Keep the other pooch safely on her own ground.

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Miserable occurrance, mate. But, like the man said; Hasn't been known before in thirty years, look.


Fact is, " Terrier X " ? See it, can't ye: Completley undisciplined 'Lap Dog' who figures he rules the world, and is left to try and do so, comes bolting off her property to have a go at the Hounds. I wouldn't even suggest the result was 'predictable'. That one obviously just pushed it a bit far with the wrong couple. Sh!t happens.


I don't think anyone in the world could have asked more than what the Hunt's given and offered to give in compensation.


If it were me, I'd have been embarressed to have let my Dogs run riot like that. Blamed my own stupidity. Not the Hounds :no:


Maybe now the lady will use her cash payment to install a buried electric fence, eh? Keep the other pooch safely on her own ground.



i agree, i wasn't judging anyone i think the hunt acted totally correctly and decently about the whole thing,


i just thought why is this news worthy ?


is it more Anti bias by the BBC?


dog's kill other dogs the world over, i know of this happening several times in central london, and the aggrieved owners call the police and are told "It's not a police matter", they call the council and get the same message, no one makes offers of compensation etc...which is the decent thing to do..


as i said why is this news worthy??

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yes they did act correctly about this. but this type of hunting has been the one that has made fox hunting banned in my eyes


how do you mean this type of hunting? in my eyes the huntsman was excercising his hounds when the ladies dog approached the hounds which resulted in it being attacked. then the hunt compensated the ladie for her loss. no-one likes losing a pet but accidents do happen and she was more than compensated for vets bills etc. so in my eyes good on the hunt they could have turned nasty and giver her nothing!

Edited by hunting_mad_jock_lad
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yes they did act correctly about this. but this type of hunting has been the one that has made fox hunting banned in my eyes


Sorry mate, can't follow your logic :blink: "this type of hunting", what does that mean? This was an accident that was obviously a horrible experience for the dog and owner but this type of incident had nothing to do with getting hunting banned :no: That was done by lies, idiots and a media seeking government. I have seen lots of terriers/gundogs/lapdogs that have been around hound packs and the only aggression I have witnessed has been from them and not hounds ;)



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my eyes testing for what??



Bob's your uncle ........................................




























................and Barn's your Anti :11:

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If one of my dogs ran up to anther one and got a good mauling or killed it would be my fault, my dog was off the lead and out of control.

The BBC has been anti hunt for the longest time imo.


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i know mr lucas very well and he said that the terriers came out and had a go at the hounds and was after a scrap like terriers are! it was just one of them thing and it could have been some one elses dog say a staff that done it just mis forturnate it was the hounds and more sh*t for the antis to get on!!!!

Edited by fox66
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yes they did act correctly about this. but this type of hunting has been the one that has made fox hunting banned in my eyes

Don't follow your logic mate,perhaps you could elaborate.

Edited by Cal
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im no anti far from it but all im saying is before the ban you could see these huntsmen from a mile off with there horses and 20odd hounds i think this way of hunting is where most of these a** hole antis got the ammunation from i dont think it would have been so bad if they saw a couple of men wtih a lurcher each walking along. i have my opinions

although there has been 20.000 hunt days since the ban without a single charge from the police :11:

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im no anti far from it but all im saying is before the ban you could see these huntsmen from a mile off with there horses and 20odd hounds i think this way of hunting is where most of these a** hole antis got the ammunation from i dont think it would have been so bad if they saw a couple of men wtih a lurcher each walking along. i have my opinions

although there has been 20.000 hunt days since the ban without a single charge from the police :11:



A valid point and if the CA had been wise enough they should have displayed ALL types of hunting, and not just mounted pack's, not enough emphasis was put on the lads with a lurcher, a few terriers or even the smaller packs (gun/foot/farmers etc..) of hounds-


-and now post Ban the one's that are suffering are the small packs and the lads with a lurcher or a few terriers as they cant claim Hound exercise and they dont have the money of the large packs (who often have barristers etc..within the field)


Blame the Countryside Alliance for this NOT the large Packs themselves :(

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