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Staff Attack

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Well,i'm now £43 lighter and the dog looks ridiculous! Vets want to give the wound a few days before deciding whether to stitch/staple due to the possibility of infection under the wound,so i could be even lighter in the pocket by the weekend.

At this point in time i won't be taking the matter up with the Police,i have passed on a message through a third party,that i want reimbursing for the vet fee's and i've also pointed out that should the dog cross my path while i'm walking the other dogs,i will kick it to a standstill

My terrier bitch has been out ratting with many strange dogs many times,she has always been good natured and impeccably behaved,this dog ran towards my dogs and family with its tail raised and its heckles up,now i aint the dog whisperer but having had dogs for the last 30 odd years i'm pretty sure i know what its intentions were.My terrier did not run 50 yards to confront this dog,she was at my wifes side and under control,whether she was on a lead is irrelevant.





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My bitch was running about with a staffy ages ago for 10 minutes and it then took a inch long ish chunk out of the side of her face for nothing.She went loopey and they started rolling around the women in her 60s did f all to help no screaming no emotion nothing.I eventually got them to slpit up after 4 attempts and her dogs was a complete and utter train wreck.Me being a dog lover helped her out with her dog and got mine home to see what the damage was and get the vet on the phone.Apart form a stitched sore face and a few small bruises mine was fine the other dog was pts.The on the way home the police phone my mobile as i gave this bint my number as she was telling me she wanted my adress and she was going to have my dog shot and all the rest of it.The asked me all about my pit type dog :o:blink: :realmad: :censored: I explain i can be at the cop shop in a short time and take my poor bitch swaying like a palm tree in and ask the guy does it look like a pit to you?The answer was no.I am then informed her dog was muzzled as he has to be is under some court order must be on lean and muzzled at all times.LOL how the feck did it leave a hole in my dogs face then?Its clear it wasnt muzzled for starters.I then get asked a few thibgs and told she was to be charged under the dogs act etc and i was found to have done nothing wrong so that was that.If she had kept to her order it would never have happened.I am still the bad b****rd to this day over it with the women.My bitch really did leave carnage behind but in all honesty i cant blame her after the other dog attacked her for nothing i can see why she done it.I would tell them to reimburse you and keep the dog under control or they will lose it.

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Well,i'm now £43 lighter and the dog looks ridiculous! Vets want to give the wound a few days before deciding whether to stitch/staple due to the possibility of infection under the wound,so i could be even lighter in the pocket by the weekend.

At this point in time i won't be taking the matter up with the Police,i have passed on a message through a third party,that i want reimbursing for the vet fee's and i've also pointed out that should the dog cross my path while i'm walking the other dogs,i will kick it to a standstill

My terrier bitch has been out ratting with many strange dogs many times,she has always been good natured and impeccably behaved,this dog ran towards my dogs and family with its tail raised and its heckles up,now i aint the dog whisperer but having had dogs for the last 30 odd years i'm pretty sure i know what its intentions were.My terrier did not run 50 yards to confront this dog,she was at my wifes side and under control,whether she was on a lead is irrelevant.







The way you went on i thought your dog was in a mess thats nothing a mer scratch get a grip... Anti spectic spray or wound powder will sort that...

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report it to the rspca and risk owners loosing their pet due to lack of knowledge...try finding the kids and get the parents number explain what happend and the law....least give em a chance to put things right.


Also fair enough accidents can happen but it gets on my tits when people compare a dog aggressive dog to people aggression..fact is they are two different things

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Well,i'm now £43 lighter and the dog looks ridiculous! Vets want to give the wound a few days before deciding whether to stitch/staple due to the possibility of infection under the wound,so i could be even lighter in the pocket by the weekend.

At this point in time i won't be taking the matter up with the Police,i have passed on a message through a third party,that i want reimbursing for the vet fee's and i've also pointed out that should the dog cross my path while i'm walking the other dogs,i will kick it to a standstill

My terrier bitch has been out ratting with many strange dogs many times,she has always been good natured and impeccably behaved,this dog ran towards my dogs and family with its tail raised and its heckles up,now i aint the dog whisperer but having had dogs for the last 30 odd years i'm pretty sure i know what its intentions were.My terrier did not run 50 yards to confront this dog,she was at my wifes side and under control,whether she was on a lead is irrelevant.







The way you went on i thought your dog was in a mess thats nothing a mer scratch get a grip... Anti spectic spray or wound powder will sort that...

Weather the dog got scratched or had its leg off its not the point. These dogs (staffs, american bull dogs and other breeds) should have have a law on them and an age limit on how old the person should be walking them. My lurcher got attacked last week by an american bull dog. The bloke said " he hasnt bit her that hard" thats the attitude of these T.o.s.ser.s

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To be honest i wouldnt take the dog back to the vets if i was you mate. Plenty of warm salty water on that wound for the first couple of days then let it dry out and scab over :victory: Keep the cone on the dog or even try a muzzle to keep it from nibbling at it and the dog shoud be fine.

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Its not nice. I have had a few encounters with staffs but where I live there isnt alot of them. Luckily though in my encounters my dog hasn't been hurt... yet. The last time was a black staff dog tied up at my lacal shop and I was just walking past without a care in the world with my GSDX on his lead walking at a heel with I might add a halti on when the staff managed to slip backwards out of this ridiculoused sized rotti collar and came charging after us. It managed to run right across the road before I knew it its jaws were clamped around Shadows chest and then the ragging started. I tried to pull Shadow back but I could just see that look in his eye that he was having none of it and with one very swift movement he went right for the dogs ear and bit. The little Staff gave out a shriek and blood appeared, not a lot but enough. Ofcourse this is when the chav couple decide to come running out the shop (not much older than me) and start threatening me! I apologiesed- god knows why! -and tried to go on my way and check shadow's chest out but they followed me all the way to my street "Yeah we know where you live now. Just wait!" I was shitting it to say te least. Wasn't till one of the older guys on the street heard the commotion and seen me looking like I was close to tears and told them exactly what would happen if they came down our street. Shadow the whole time straining on his halti and collar looking like he was gonna snap it and have them all. Iv seen the couple since but I told my dad and he has made it very clear he sees them again there will be trouble. Luckily though in my case there was not a mark on shadow.


Personally I think you should make them pay for stitches, maybe if they see the dog is costing them more than its worth they will either A) give it somone who can control or b ) Give it up to a rescue .... or if your really lucky C) they will be complete dickheads about it and you might have to slap them around a bit LOL

But I hope your bitch and family are alright, I know I was a little shaken afterwards too. :)

Edited by -HuntingLass-
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The way you went on i thought your dog was in a mess thats nothing a mer scratch get a grip... Anti spectic spray or wound powder will sort that...


The way i went on ?

Now obviously my terrier will require treatment,and i'm going to have the pleasure of shelling out the best part of £40 or £50 for a couple of staples and a course of antibiotics,all because some c**t has a powerful aggressive dog that they allow out under the supervision of young kids.


My f****n daughter was holding my terrier when the other dog grabbed its leg,and having kept terriers and lurchers for 30 odd years i know the difference between a scratch and a puncture wound.

What is Anti Spectic spray ?

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sorry to hear what happened,i have 3 staffys aswel as my working dogs. i dont understand why some people have staffs if they dont bring them up the way they should,ive had quite a few litters and always check were they are going etc and as for young tenny boppers wanting one for a fashion statement its a no no from me. with my dogs especially with my kids they are 100% loyal and safe but still would never leave them out my site as thats when things end up going wrong. id take it up with the owners mate as they should have more sense and go from there. i think the world of me dogs but one sign of agresion to my kids then it would be a trip down the vets. lucky for you that your dog was there to protect them as it could have been a worse story, all the best mate

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Weather the dog got scratched or had its leg off its not the point. These dogs (staffs, american bull dogs and other breeds) should have have a law on them and an age limit on how old the person should be walking them. My lurcher got attacked last week by an american bull dog. The bloke said " he hasnt bit her that hard" thats the attitude of these T.o.s.ser.s


f**k me do you work for the rspca or the goverment? All dogs are capable of being fighters not just staffs ect

yes they are but when the owners no these dogs are why let them of the lead in a public place. next time it may well be a small child or an old lady

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All dogs do have the capacity to do harm of course they do they have teeth had this fight a few times with small dog owners but its only little.The point being the law states someone over 16 years old must walk the dog and it must be under control and the person walking the dog is able to control it his daughter could have been seriously injured.It doesnt make ANY differance as to the size of the wound the fact is they failed to control their dog.Ive had this ten times over with mine the other dog attacks my dog half kills it then im the one with bad b****d dogs or killer lurchers hunting dogs should be muzzled etc etc why the feck should i muzzle my dog when my dog doesnt attack other dogs?Why would you want an unpredictable head banger of a dog to walk anyway let alone allow kids to walk the staff in question.Apart from the cost to put this right in the end did the terrier deserve to suffer nope!Why should his dog be caused pain and his wife and daughter be riled like that because some tit cant control their dog.If my dog bit another for no good reason i would slap it stupid personally cos i like my dogs to be sociable and not cause bother my female can be a cow at times and when she is shes dealt with.It must be working cos shes been an angel recently.Im sorry you had to read this crap mate and i truely hope this all gets sorted and the wife and your daughter are ok now.Skitz its attitudes like yours that give dogs a bad name my bitch is a bull x and has been accused of being a pit rofl.The difference isnt to do with breed its all about how people look after and control their pets.

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Dosent matter if its a pitbull or a lab if its aggressive then it shouldnt be off the lead in a public place. Making laws against certain breeds of dogs is f****n stupid IMO.


Also you should know by now thats theres a big differance between a pit or a lab and indeed lurchers and terriers for egsample a pit can do a lot more damage than a lab and a lurcher will do serious damage also usually because of their attitude and when pushed they go mad and dont give in and the spped of their strike.Terriers are the same just wont give in even when out of their depth they dont care.Staffs are the same with one big differance they can do a hell of a lot more damage when it comes down to it how many labs have you seen recently That could match a staffys power or a lurchers strike?My male was a year old and picked up a black full grown lab and threwit around like it was a toy after it attacked him.

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This is the reason Stafford's are perceived as bad, aggressive dogs, cos t***S like the owner off the staff let their kids take the dog out without a lead, surely knowing that if a problem does occur that the kids are not going to be able to do much about it.


I have 2 Stafford's myself, and they are the best dogs i have ever had, so obedient, safe around other dogs and brilliant with kids.

but i see it everyday, people cross the road when I'm walking with them, just cos of the breed, they don't do this when I'm walking with the lurcher.


and all because of people like the owner off the staff in question here. does my head in.


so i think, report him. even if rspca gives him a visit to tell him the do's and dont's about owning a breed that if kept wrong can be a very aggressive dog.


hope the terrier and missus are OK pal.


rant over. lol

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i would say something to the owner any dog can be trained! pitbulls shouldnt even be banned its the owners that make them vicious. same with any dog just think, how easy can you train your terrier to kill anything that moves? very easy! its the owner sooo go and tell him where to go. the owner clearly wanted the dog vicious or he would of done something about it

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