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VETS and the law

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well for the last two weeks my pup brock has had a funny looking yellow discharge round his penis i know this is sometimes normal but today especially it was stinking so i took him to the vets i walked in and the vet said if i havent got a certifacte for his tail he wont see it now that is aprob as i dont have one..i told him it was at home this was a quick dropin as it was on my way home he then scanned him and said im breaking the law javing a dog not chipped??? is this correct? i told im i hadnt got round to it but would think on it.... next came the other big one why hasent my dog been vacinated i told him he had been parvo'd but not lyptod now came the other bummer he told me if i couldnt produce a card from a vet saying it was innoc he would allow my dog into the vets i understand that to a degree but come on i bought the parvo off this site off a member i reckon its ok two shots in my pup and all ok i caught the little blighter digger up baby rats yesturday by the stable he half devoured three so i was worried about lepto i told the vet i need that jab and he hit the roof saying i was maltreating my dog what cos i didnt spend no money in his vets practice on stupid jabs that cant be guarenteed for £40 a pop.. he said if i didnt jab him i couldnt come in to his vets ever again so i paid for the first set just to shut him up (now i wish i didnt) paid jabed him all done put some cream on my dogs knob as i was leaving he made comment that really pissed me off if there wasnt women in the waiting room i would have gone mad he said if i take my dog in marked up he would ring the rspca... what a knob i know this is petty but his attitude and the way he wanted me to pay money all the time stinks a dog is a f*****g dog iv done parvo yes i bought it not the vet but f**k me thats more then most scum do yes hes not chipped but f**k me do you want your DNA on a batabase well thats the same for dogs hes a worker goin to be a worker not some old granny pet and a cert for his dock come on what an ass whole does everyone else have this prob is it me bein the asswhole it cost me £49 to put cream on my dogs knob.. sorry for this jumble im livid cheers

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A real vet is only interested in helping animals, sadly they are a dying breed now as most are scum money grabbers, mostly the younger ones, with their posh surgerys, find a country vet not a cxxt of a vet. you could report him to the BVA .atb phil

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I still don't understand your rant ?


Cert for tail [ he has the right to ask as it's a legal document]

Chip has to be put in for tail to be legal .

Jabs you have no way of knowing the pavo you bought was good ? [ It is for the protection of all dogs yours comes into contact with]


The vet has the right to his views and prices. You asked for his services he is not that expensive if you compare plumber call out charges !



If you don't like him use another vet




How can he report the vet to the BVA when he is the one with the illegally docked dog ?

Edited by coldweld
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punctuation marks will make future rants easier to read ;)


The vet was unproffessional in his behaviour, i would report him for that alone. He has made valid points though, these days it pays to have everything as legal as poss to prevent the anti brigade causing you probs with the likes of the arsepca.


The vet i use is excellent, knows my terrier works and is happy with him in all ways. I do get my dog jabbed as it needs it for kennelling when i go away. I would have it's jabs done as a matter of course as i wouldn't want my dog to get ill from a preventable set of diseases. If you jab the dogs yourself the vet has no proof it's been done thereby potentially putting other dogs that come into the surgery at risk.

Edited by ratattack
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  coldweld said:
I still don't understand your rant ?


Cert for tail [ he has the right to ask as it's a legal document]

Chip has to be put in for tail to be legal .

Jabs you have no way of knowing the pavo you bought was good ? [ It is for the protection of all dogs yours comes into contact with]


The vet has the right to his views and prices. You asked for his services he is not that expensive if you compare plumber call out charges !



If you don't like him use another vet




How can he report the vet to the BVA when he is the one with the illegally docked dog ?

It must be great to be perfect

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  liamdelaney said:
  coldweld said:
I still don't understand your rant ?


Cert for tail [ he has the right to ask as it's a legal document]

Chip has to be put in for tail to be legal .

Jabs you have no way of knowing the pavo you bought was good ? [ It is for the protection of all dogs yours comes into contact with]


The vet has the right to his views and prices. You asked for his services he is not that expensive if you compare plumber call out charges !



If you don't like him use another vet




How can he report the vet to the BVA when he is the one with the illegally docked dog ?

It must be great to be perfect



I'm far off perfect. But am i wrong ?

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  coldweld said:
  liamdelaney said:
  coldweld said:
I still don't understand your rant ?


Cert for tail [ he has the right to ask as it's a legal document]

Chip has to be put in for tail to be legal .

Jabs you have no way of knowing the pavo you bought was good ? [ It is for the protection of all dogs yours comes into contact with]


The vet has the right to his views and prices. You asked for his services he is not that expensive if you compare plumber call out charges !



If you don't like him use another vet




How can he report the vet to the BVA when he is the one with the illegally docked dog ?

It must be great to be perfect



I'm far off perfect. But am i wrong ?

No you are right but if a vet spoke to terrier men like that over here they would eat him without salt.

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when i took my pup for his "check up" and jabs i was asked if i had the address of the breeder( while docked without chip) i said no and that was that.

i would jab a dog myself,but i would ensure the first two jabs were done by a vet purely to ensure the cover is there.there is enough discussion whether the booster is necessary or not( as posted in working dog health).othere than that i have proof he is jabbed.


the vet is a service offerer and as such should treat his customers with respect,it is not his concern whether the dog is worked or not( as long as it happens within the law!!!).


i would find a vet who understands your needs and is sympathetic towards fieldsporting men and dogs.i would leave no money in his practice,let him look after parrots and hamsters( the only thing i would leave in his practice would steam and clear the waiting room :icon_redface: ).



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