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New permission today


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Hi guys,


After visiting various farms today with permission letters i managed to hit on a farm where the lady informed me that she had a bunny infestation problem and had been let down by hunters in the past saying that they would cull her problem but never carried out their promise.


After about 10 minutes of telling her all about me and what i can offer her with my pals Festa, Marksman, Wuzzy and Reggaeman she give me the permission.


Its a farm with 40ish hecters of fields where bunnies just rule the roost at night and early evening and 3 or 4 barns with the odd rat and ferrel pigeon to deal with.


After saying thank you i went off about my day until 1930 hrs where i went out with my youngest son Dylan to see what was about. We got to the first small field where we saw about 7 or 8 bunnies sitting on the edge just chilling. The R10 silently wiped out 1 of them sitting at about 45 metres from a fence post as my rest.


In the second field a bigger field we shot 1 at about 30 metres followed by a another rested 40 metre clinical head shot. All the rabbits sat nicely in the red filtered lamp and didnt try and run.


In total we saw about 25 to 30 bunnies in a small area of the permission but due to my son needing to get home for his bath before bed we called it a night there before offering the farmer a couple of bunnies for his dinner tomorrow. We then drove home.


The photo is taken in my garden when we got home.




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nice going zini. looks like another ideal permission to get the owners problem sorted out :gunsmilie: . like you say mate, we'll have to go have a mooch round when we're up next :signthankspin: all the very best fella and we hope to see you down our end really soon :clapper: you know me and wuzzy will look after you ;)

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Cheers lads,


Yes Reggaeman i'm looking forward to visiting yours and Wuzzys neck of the woods to shoot and be looked after LOL ;):cheers: Mines a Bulmers with ice :laugh:


Has both your Tasco's arrived yet lads? If so what do you think of them? I think that you will be over the moon with them when you get them out in the field shooting bunnies.

Them NATO mil dots are so easy to see at night and on x10 mag they are spot on, it makes the long shots (plus 35 metres to 50 metres) a breeze if rested on a stable post / platform.

They are a well under estimated piece of equipment and for the price of them they are a steal.


Best of luck Zini

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scopes not arrived as yet mate :( bloody post! they should hopefully arrive in the next day or two. me and wuzzy will get out over our end and get into some of the farms and hopefully get some response to our letters of permission :clapper::clapper: dont worry fella. you'll get your bulmers or 2 or 3 lol lol :drinks:atb mate and see you soon. chris

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Hi Tris,


My terrier is a cross mate.

He is 3/4 Nuttle / Wheeler Patterdale and 1/4 irish staff. Both his parents were good working dogs and he has carried on in their paw steps.


I dont use him on charlie for digging as hes a bit to big across the chest, he was bred for something bigger ;) so im informed but that being illegal he doesnt get used for that either. Hes a first class bushing terrier and will kill anything he catches in the runs from fox to rat ect.


Ive took him out a few times with Festa, Wuzzy, Reggaeman and Marksman and they have seen him in action as soon as we let him out the car. The dog knows his job and hunts on his own. He has no fear and will tackle anything that tries to dominate him. Ive never seen him loose yet.




Edited by zini
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Cheers Chris for the kind comments about Zin.


Some time back i got some nasty comments on this site from a so called hardened terrier man who said that Zin was a barrel chested waist of space for a dog. He never saw Zin work and didnt know me from Adam. It sort of made me angry but what can you do? I new how good he is and thats all that matters.


Ive just told little Zin about your comments and he is now walking around the house like the King of Sheeba LOL. :D



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