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All in a Days Work......

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The day got off to a bad start.......phone call first thing......"You've caught a Hedgehog, can you come and let it out" I had a squirrel cage out in a clients garden, I had caught the female and one of the two youngsters, and was waiting to catch the last Little Un. I had set the cage just in the garden alongside the fence the family of squirrels was using to access the roof always a safe bet for a catch as they can't seem to resist the draw of the peanut baited cage.


The next call was from an eating establishment, (well more of a greasy spoon job actually). A rat had been playing havoc within the food store and all previous attempts to trap her had failed, but this time Bingo........the Big E trap with its secret bait attractant paid dividends at last.......another happy customer.


Then off to the golf club to inspect a new Talpex (type) trap i am trialling........it works fine and had a clean kill so what more can you ask from a trap ;) .

Finally......i got the call that the last squirrel was in the cage......so back to the house to collect squirrel and more importantly ...........Payment :D:D for a job well done.





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I was trapping squirrels the other day in live traps and then despatching them with the falcon,the morning after the first catch I get a phone call from the customer saying that there was a ferret in one of the live traps?

So of I go to find out what the hell is in the trap thinking its probably a mink as we are snide out with them around here,but no its a big polecat ferret hob and he is not happy about been caught spitting and screaming more like a mink than a ferret so I get to thinking is it a polecat ??? well had a good look and could not see any knackers so it must be a feral ferret that was once castrated.

Here comes the pain in the arse question do I let it go back into the wild or do I kill it ???????

Well I let it out of the trap to see if we could pick it up and see if its worth maybe trying to take the time to get it tame again,well it went straight for my boot hissing and making a right royal racket so sorry to say I shot it :( shame really because he was a stunning looking hob.

But at the end of the day I am a rural pest pest controller and mole catcher not a feral ferret re-homing service.

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Well well mate what good pics you must have got pretty close to that squizzer to get a pic that good .What were you doing to make him sit so nicely .kissing him or feeding him nuts ;) ;)

He had eaten all the nuts..........and if you look closely you will see that he is now praying ;)

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I was trapping squirrels the other day in live traps and then despatching them with the falcon,the morning after the first catch I get a phone call from the customer saying that there was a ferret in one of the live traps?

So of I go to find out what the hell is in the trap thinking its probably a mink as we are snide out with them around here,but no its a big polecat ferret hob and he is not happy about been caught spitting and screaming more like a mink than a ferret so I get to thinking is it a polecat ??? well had a good look and could not see any knackers so it must be a feral ferret that was once castrated.

Here comes the pain in the arse question do I let it go back into the wild or do I kill it ???????

Well I let it out of the trap to see if we could pick it up and see if its worth maybe trying to take the time to get it tame again,well it went straight for my boot hissing and making a right royal racket so sorry to say I shot it :( shame really because he was a stunning looking hob.

But at the end of the day I am a rural pest pest controller and mole catcher not a feral ferret re-homing service.


Ferret/Polecats balls are only visible when they're in breeding season (unlike dogs), this time of the year the balls are retracting into the body. If it was that bad tempered I would say it wasn't a feral either so go smack yourself on the wrist :angry:

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Ferret/Polecats balls are only visible when they're in breeding season (unlike dogs), this time of the year the balls are retracting into the body. If it was that bad tempered I would say it wasn't a feral either so go smack yourself on the wrist :angry:



Well Gnipper you will be glad to know I have just had a phone call from Derbyshire wildlife and they say its DEFINITELY a FERRET NOT a POLECAT

I took it to them after I shot it as I wanted to make sure I had identified it correctly and it turns out I did.

They also said there had not been a report of a polecat in Derbyshire since 1999.

So alls well that ends well.

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Good pics mate! ;)


I was trapping squirrels the other day in live traps and then despatching them with the falcon,the morning after the first catch I get a phone call from the customer saying that there was a ferret in one of the live traps?

So of I go to find out what the hell is in the trap thinking its probably a mink as we are snide out with them around here,but no its a big polecat ferret hob and he is not happy about been caught spitting and screaming more like a mink than a ferret so I get to thinking is it a polecat ??? well had a good look and could not see any knackers so it must be a feral ferret that was once castrated.

Here comes the pain in the arse question do I let it go back into the wild or do I kill it ???????

Well I let it out of the trap to see if we could pick it up and see if its worth maybe trying to take the time to get it tame again,well it went straight for my boot hissing and making a right royal racket so sorry to say I shot it :( shame really because he was a stunning looking hob.

But at the end of the day I am a rural pest pest controller and mole catcher not a feral ferret re-homing service.


I found a ferret the other day (well my missus did) and she was hissing at me and nailed me (the ferret i mean not my missus lol) (i put it down to her being scared). The only thing is now i got another bloody ferret to look after :o no ones claimed it so i'm unsure what to do with it? It's starting to get used to me now but i don't really have room :blink:

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