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I was out yesterday but this time acting as stalker. A good mate of mine had 2 friends over from Sweden and had organised to try and get a sika stag for both of them. I was taking one guest out and my mate the other guest.


We arrived for 6.30am and stalked two seperate blocks along with the estate stalker who had another client out. We started off stalking down the edge of some clearfell , glassing slowly as we went but no sika :( only 2 roe..............


We then continued up a valley and the signs of stags rutting were everywhere :D I spied a stag some 250yards away but unfortunately as we planned our stalk his head came up and off he went :o Where we were there was no wind but unfortunately higher up the ride where the stag was the current was blowing in his direction . The wind was constantly changing direction , one minute in your face next minute in your back , you know how it constantly swirls in forestry.


We never saw any more deer that morning but on returning to the larder my mates guest had grassed a knobber and the estate stalker had bagged an 8 pointer.


So it was out again in the afternoon and I was determined to get my guest a stag. We stalked through the forestry to the edge where it bordered the open hill. The afternoon sun was shining on this bit of ground so I hoped a stag would be sunning himself but unfortunately just 2 hinds and calves. We watched them for a good half an hour to see if a stag would emerge but it wasnt to be :angry:


We then progressed to a box and I decided to sit in it for the last hour before dark.


Well lady luck was shining on us as after only about 5 mins I spied the white tines of a stag emerging from the dark canopy.I elbowed the client and told him to take the stag as soon as he was ready. The stag turned slightly broadside and the .243 spoke , the stag dropped on the spot kicked a few times and was silent. :D


Well I was delighted that we hadnt blanked especially as he had travelled from Sweden.


So a good day out with a good result , all 3 clients taking their 1st sika :D



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Foxy, i have to say that if i had to be guided by anyone it would be you. Never in my life have i met such a lucky sod!!!! OK, you weren't lucky when god gave out looks, but you are when it comes to deer!!!! Great to see fellow sportsmen halping each other out. Keep it up..... :)

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