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kicked of shooting permission

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i got a phone call of a mate of mine today who lives in millom (west cumbria) and he told me that he had been told to get of land he had permission on by the police,after producing his letter of permission the police phoned the land owner who comfirmed that he had a right to be there,he asked why and apperently there is a public footpath that passes by the land but is more than two hundred yards from where he was shooting he said it was more likely to be three hundred yards plus anyway the police said to him if he doesnt comply he would be arrested the question is was he in the wrong ?were the police right ?or was he just happening to be having a bad day?and what would you have done? alb martync

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if he has written permission, insurance and was doing as you said above, he has done NOTHING wrong !!!!!


difficult to argue but, i would like to know what reason they would have used to arrest him ????


probably nowt else going on in millom at the time !!!!! ( i know it wel)





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Your mate sounds like a little bollox that goes out at the weekend and gives shit to cops.

LOL. :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

actually he is about 17 stone he works as a security guard and he was threatened to be arrested because he wasnt havin none of it basically he told the police they were taking the piss he stood his ground with them he also said to them have you too got nothing better to go and do some real police work like catching criminals ,so i think it would of been a public order offence or something daft like that
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he was just pissed off because he was on permission with his letter and he was minding his own buisness but the old bill had to give him some greif you no the sort of old bill im on about anyway he didnt want to loose his badge for something like that like he said to me i only complied because if i got charged then there goes my job

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I'm not 100% certain about the distance you need to be away but i seem to remember that there is ruling that it's banned within (set distance) where injury or offence may be caused so if they could see him from the footpath then they could use the wording but where probably bored or didn't know!

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I'm not 100% certain about the distance you need to be away but i seem to remember that there is ruling that it's banned within (set distance) where injury or offence may be caused so if they could see him from the footpath then they could use the wording but where probably bored or didn't know!

Its 50ft from the centre of the highway ;)

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Iv heard the same thing has happend in ulverstone near tronic mate, a young lad and his grandad told me anorak's keep complaining about them shooting on there own land that has a public footpath through it and the police keep having to go and see them and have asked them not to shoot in there own field with the public footpath running through it. Work that out mate ! Personally i think the police are getting fed up with phone calls complaining about them shooting on their own land and they carnt stop the anoraks walking through it but think they have a valid point that an air gun may be causing a potential danger to the anoraks !! And then theres that old moto the police use "to protect & serve & uphold the law" bit of a catch 22 id say !!!

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This is what I would do............... ;)


Check the legality of the shooting situation, I.E distance from highway etc.

Then ring the police on the day of the intended shoot and register it with them as a vermin control session on behalf of Farmer X at 'Y' address...

Then when he is challenged, get them to radio it in to the control room!!

They will look pretty silly, plus he will have a record of authenticity ..

Matty :yes:

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