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It's absolutly disgusting but IMO if some scumbag was to tether an animal for baiting he'd get the same result by putting a rope around it's neck.

It wouldn't supprise me if it was a publicity stunt. After all, Graham Carter Hall put a chain on a foxes leg for baiting when he secretly film badger diggers here in Ireland. It makes for better veiwing than a simple dig.

I'm always suspicious of these sort of pictures as the anti's record speaks for itself.



your bang on there neil,do you remember the dying hare video the antis put out last year where if you look closely the hare is being pulled by a wire.

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although i totally dissagree with whats been done to that fox and obviously the picc proves that it happened


but there was a comment on the article that :hmm: me

as it said the foxes were being STOLEN TO ORDER

imo to this is how can something be stolen to order when they dont belong to anybody

the situation the fox was in was appauling but the circumstances to why it happened are way overexaggerated and made to appear like all hunters/poachers treat foxes in this way which obviously doesnt happen and this has been done by a minority of complete dickheads and not your average joe hunter like what the article is insinuating

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I find it amazing the power of the press not one of us knows how that clip came to be attached to that fox the article is pure fantasy.

once again the antis get press coverage where the f**k is the basc or thr CA condeming this if it is true :thumbdown:

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i would not be at all surprised if this was done by some anti group to make hunters look bad.



This is a fake video they put out earlier this year-If you watch closely you can see the hare is attached to a wire being pulled for effect by the cameraman or a friend.Also you cant hear the commentator anymore.
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