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Hatsan Escort semi-auto. 3"

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i brought a left handed 3" mag in black the other month, cost me £370 had 3 outings with it so far, each pushing 200+ carts rangeing from 28g to 32g (noting major i know) and its jammed 4 times in this period, 3 of them were on the first outing it fires the first and ejects it but didnt align the new cart properly but after a bit of lube its been fine.

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My apologises for taking so long to reply.

Hunter Zero, I'm after a left handed gun preferably in camo. All I do is rough, hide and Roost shooting now so would prefer a gun to blend in. As I don't do any driven shooting anymore I care not a dot how other people perceive the guns ' modern camo look'

I've noticed a big difference when waiting out for nervous Rabbits/pigeons with an uncovered air rifle and one wrapped in a scrim net (I'm sure they recognise the shape?). This is fine for laying out with a rifle, scope and plenty of time but not so for a shotgun, where snap shooting is the norm. Hence the want of a 'camo' shotgun.

So thank you very much for the offer but I'll have to decline.


Deker, I'm sorry but I can't find your previous post about the exploding barrel. Do you think it could of been caused by the choke issue I mentioned earlier? or do you think it was a serious flaw in the barrel?


It was not a lose choke it was a s**t barrel and appalling quality control at manufacturer, the gun would not cycle short cartridges either (although that was advertised)...all in all it was a terrible design and terrible workmanship and terrible quality control and terrible materials....I hear talk things may have improved but I cannot imagine the day I would ever consider buying one again!


Thanks again for the advise everyone.


All the best



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  • 3 weeks later...

Took mine out for the first time last night jammed twice due to me not the gun very nice affordlable gun i think 475 is a bit steep i paid 375 left hand black my gun shop has right hand camo for 325 and left 375 keep looking mate.

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I've had around 250 carts through mine now and half around half a dozen miss feeds, not brilliant i know but not the end of the world is it. Do I regret buying it? no, it was £300 and ive got £300,s worth, would i buy another? it would depend what was available to me at the time of looking but i'd definatley not discount one.


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