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Mossy Oak Ninja's...

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Hi all,


I see some guys on here fully kitted out in that Mossy Oak ninja gear. Last time i was into this game Mossy Oak was just coming out and it was the new black back then - personally i just thought it was a fad. 9 years later, i've come back to hunting and there's still 'Mossy Oak Ninja's' left, right and center. So i've got several questions:


1. Does it really work? Or is it just trendy?

2. If it does work, does it work noticeably better than other Military camouflage patterns? Say DPM?

3. Why not go one further and wear a Ghillie suit?

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Given the chance I'd opt for a ghillie every time.......

But that could be cos I find Real tree very "Americanised" or having used one in my miltary background and know the tried and tested method works..


But yet again...each to their own!



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ah right. 'realtree' is the correct term then. Yeah, i guess so. I guess it comes down to how serious you're gonna be, and if people will see you walking around! haha!


I've got a load of walking gear so would just tend to use olive and black colured stuff?

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DPM works for me along with a little improvisation with some grass/ferns etc.


If you've not seen Steve Prices DVD's they are great for ideas :yes: I've used his methods of camo and ambush to good effect now. :notworthy:


I'm now waiting for some more of Steve's "ShootMore" to arrive through my door.

I've used it before and although I was a bit sceptical to start with I am now convinced it works. I had some Shootmore on my DPM and walking down a field (no gun) I got to within a few yards of two bunnies (that I hadn't seen until I nearly stood on em) and they were DOWNWIND so should have whiffed me. I was convinced. :yes:


What has really convinced me that it works is this week my wife washed my DPM!

And I aint been able to get close during the day.


I must get round to do a review of the video's actually :yes:



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hmm, i always have doubted that shoot more stuff to be honest! i think cammo is important but a lot of pepole go into hunting with top notch jack pyke or realtree and expect to be invisible to rabbits but the truth is rabbits go off movement rather than colour. if you sit completly motionless downwind of a rabbit it will not see you as a threat. but cammo does help if its many different colours as it will help break up your image so you don't look like a solid object.

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phant, what is the tonys lingerie thing all about?


:angry::angry::angry: The hosts to my shop are p!$$ing me off BIG time :angry::angry::angry:


They suspended the operation of the site, because they said they hadn't been paid!


I've got proof they have been paid as I pay via PayPal and I've given them the transaction details and invoice payment confirmation. Been offline nearly a week now. :realmad: :censored::censored::censored:


And to top it off they aint answered my emails since Tuesday.



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Phantom have you got any realtree underwear? I want something to make me feel sexy as well as concealed when out shooting :icon_redface: :11: Only messing mate lol is the shootmore your talking about the scent? I was thinking about getting some of that myself keep us posted on how it works out :thumbs:

And back to the original post I think keeping still and breaking up you outline is far more important than being dressed head to toe in camo. atb bedrock

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personally the way you move out iin the countryside is more important than what you wear(or have you never seen a rabbit when out hiking in a bright orange mac ;) ) dpm,s all the way for me though, i do have flecktarn and the swiss version for when the leaves turn but just try and keep skin to a minimum

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I remember reading an article in air gunner years and years ago about one farmer guy who did a bit of hunting. He noticed he saw more quarry in the day, doing his routine then he did whilst actively out hunting. He concluded that the vermin were happy to let him get closer when he was doing his routine, because they were used to him being there, walking down there and nothing bad happen. Once he got camm'd up and running around the bushes, they vermin got suspect and scarpered! So he used to do his routine with a Theoben Fenman slung over his shoulder!


I think it's a multitude of things: scent, movement, anything unfamiliar. Camo is bound to help, but it cannot be relied upon solely. Field Craft i think is the word - something i have in pitifully low reserve!

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