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lurcher pup

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hi, everyone ive just got a lurcher pup its 16 weeks old its a whippet x saluki its been kept in a kennel with another dog the thing is im keeping the pup indoors ive tried to kennel the pup when i go out and all it does is scream the house down as well as piss and crap in the crate, the problem is next door work nights and has started complaining!!!! also the pup when we go for walks eats stones and then throws up later that night. any help would be great thank you :icon_redface:

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its maybe a bit young to be kennelled anyway at 16 weeks...especially with the cooler nights - Dont mean to sound blunt bt hy not try and house train the pup so it learns not the do its ablutions in the house :victory:

sorry mate the lad who bred the dog kept them outside im wanting the dog to be a house dog, he is nearly house trained now its just that when hes left even for 30 minutes he soils the cage and screams.

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The main problem is that you've got the pup too late for it to easily learn to be confined in a cage. At 16 weeks the pup has already got used, and the wiring in its brain is almost set: meaning that whatever you try and do different with it will be very hard for it to adjust to.


If the pup had only ever been kennelled, not taken out for walks etc it will be like a badly retarded child: pups need to learn very young 4-6 weeks what they can and cannot eat: they learn by practicing on everything they can get their mouths round. At 16 weeks old you pup, if it hasn't been able to learn all these things like a normal pup out and about in the garden and house, will see everything as either a threat or edible: to put it in a nutshell.


This is why I would never get a pup that has never been out of the kennel until that age: some of them never manage to catch up mentally.


You say you want it to be a house dog, but you need to get it used to you, your house, your way of doing things before you ever try and shut it in a little cage: kennel it first, lots of bedding, a heat lamp maybe, and plenty of chewable big bones that won't splinter, indestructable rubber toys and chews. Only take the pup out on a lead for the moment so you can stop it picking up stones by pulling it away from them by the lead.

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