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warning on car in chester area after dogs

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  artic said:
Here's some advice, take it or leave it.


Firstly, ignore all the posts to burn his car etc...., this will get you in big trouble, and at 17 you dont want to be on the slippery ladder to hell!


Please do not condemn any other dog to be put down by selecting certain dogs to be released!

Your intent will get you into trouble and a dog pts.


You have his index number yes?


Take that, and all texts and calls with yourself and your mother to your nearest police station and explain in detail the whole circumstances and MORE IMPORTANTLY how you felt at the time and how you are feeling to date, and add to the fact that this incident is effecting your daily way of life. You are in fear for your own safety and your mothers. Do not be afraid/embarassed to explain to the police how you are truely feeling.


All the best.

good advice :victory:

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  bull x said:
  emeera said:
me and my mum jst set off to go on a walk with the pup and the jack and this guy runs up and goes ow old's that dog -to the pup

then what do you keep in that kennel ?

- now we dont have a kennel-so why he even asked that is ... wierd - we think he may have been trying to ask what emeer is ?-

so my mum said we'v just got a rescued greyhound we only have these 3, hes still walking around my dogs checking them out ,

then hes like o yeh a greyhound i know a track id race a greyhound When iv got it..


he then walks off to his mate and goes , ay there's 2 bitches there im having one of them


car is Lx fordmondeo R92FUD typed it out on my phone ....


but like i say this car has been outside our house alot to see my neighbor who doesnt go by , you dont shit where you live and is very known for stealing


has been texting me alot when my mums at work saying are you in ?

he must of got my number from someone i went school with but iv never ever ever wanted anything to do

with him ever there well known for being in trouble with the police .

im worried :( ,

we have gone to other neighbors and jst told them and they are all keeping an eye out and some gave me numbers

for them and said they will come round if im on my own and feel threatend , but im still worried


i dont know if they only want mine or are after terrier's greyhounds in perticual

but if anyone else lives in chester cheshire and see's this same car just be on guard :( :(

your always hearin people sayin that ther goin to have your dogs if they wer goin to pinch your dogs ther not goin to say it in front of you

it wasnt direct you muppet

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  bull x said:
  emeera said:
Ok , tbh what you think really doesnt bover me say whatever you like but if 1 person see's this and reconises this car and it helps them , will be worth more then any rubbish you come out with ;)
look at the reg got no wer near as many digits as a normal reg would have unless its a private plate



well its what iv written down straight from the car :thumbdown: this thread is to try and help people in this area toss pot why would i lie

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  bull x said:
  emeera said:
Ok , tbh what you think really doesnt bover me say whatever you like but if 1 person see's this and reconises this car and it helps them , will be worth more then any rubbish you come out with ;)
look at the reg got no wer near as many digits as a normal reg would have unless its a private plateand the other week [bANNED TEXT] you sed you wer at a show some 1 sed al grab her dog and you run with it or somthing along the lines of thta. who in the right mind is goin to do that at a show a soon as ya start shoutin ther would of been took to the ground and had ther heads kicked in by some 1



go and read my thread properly at the show you morron , :thumbdown: before you talk about things you dont know .

:thumbdown::thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown::thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: im sure other people saw those people at the show up to something , i dont know what else your going to post but im going to block you now ,

because i was actually a nervous wreck that whole show , and im trying to help ppl and your being inconsiderate and trying to show of for no needed reason at all ,

obviously im bloody upset and anoyed at the min but i think your acting worst then me

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