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Wild Flower Identification Requests

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Nice Little Thing




Had a vague notion it might have been a Hawksbit. But Google Images only showed me Rough Hawksbit and that looked more like a Dandelion. F***ed if I know then.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:good: That's obviously the kiddie, Moll, Thanks!


What an amazing thing the mind is, eh? Somehow I'd managed to retain that it was a something " Bit ", look :)


Here's a record shot I took earlier. Lanceloted leaves.




Devils Bit Scabious

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Here ye go, Moll. Spotted another nice once, just sticking out the the earth on my land today. Whipped the camera out ......




Wild 'Bunny Rabbit' On My Ground?




Foliage Shot

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Here's another kettle of fish altogether, Mollers. This bugger's rampant and starting to annoy me. I'm wondering about taking the grass hook to it ~ unless it has some saving grace, such as being a food source to beneficial or otherwise pleasant insects? What ye reckon?




Wild Fire





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Had to have a quick look :rolleyes:




Bistort Persicaria bistorta

80 100cm tall perennial with dense flower spikes of bright pink from June August. A native of northern meadows, where it was used as an ingredient in Easter puddings. Food plant of the Small Copper Butterfly.


But not 100% sure, leaves look right but the flowers are open on this picture.

Right im really off to bed now :laugh:


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper: Moll of the Meadows cracks it again! Great work, Moll!


Yeppers: First one's Definatley Woundwort. Flower shape's actually completley differant from Dead Nettle. Though having said that; Years ago, when I owned a Really good field guide or three of wild flowers, the 'Dead Nettle Complex', those plants which were all dead ringers for that and eachother, used to have me eating my knuckles with uncertainty. And that was while sat next to them with my books out! They can be some right buggers. How you narrow it down so fast I'll never know.


I feel a rash of new field guides coming on here. I can flick through a book and narrow things down, then confirm on Google. But, without a book? I wouldn't know where to start.


Second one? It never even occurred to me the flowers might not be properly open yet! But, again, yeppers; I reckon it's Bistorta Major. The Meadow Bistort.


Likes damp ground - that lot's right beside my ditch, on a moist slope. It's also said to be an important source of late nectar for bees! No way is the brush cutter being fueled up then! :icon_eek: I have a Honey Bees nest down under the barn. That stays and so, now, does their food supply!


I'll keep an eye on them now and wait till the flowers are in full, fuzzy bloom. Then I'll get another shot up ;)




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Didnt know the second one. I recognised it but didnt know it. This all started with Vetch for me




A tiny little flower i thought looked like a mini Orchid, gorgeous.

The wounwort was the same, each invididual flower looks like a mini orchid.


The dead nettle, there is a variety which looks very similar to that, so your little books may not have been so far out.


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ya wanna de Vetch? Aye godda de Vetch!


How about that, eh? Just wandered up to check my post box, watching the ditch as I went by. Boosh! Bit past it's sell by date just now, but there none the less:




Bitter Vetch - Lathyrus linifolius




Damndest thing is, I'd have vaguely recognised it as a Vetch ... But now I can do the full Jack Hargreaves on it :D


Fun, isn't it, Barra Boy? I find this dinky, but good, little camera opens up a whole new vista to me. No more need to lug an entire f***ing enclopaedia around in a shoulder bag. Just '20 fags' on my hip and fetch all manner of wildlife home with me, to dissect and discuss at leasure :good:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

While I was out there, I was also delighted to find this long time old favourite of mine. The rounded flower head and the delicious, distinctive smell of a bruised leaf can leave one in no doubt as to it's identity, once you've learned the correct name of it. Again, growing alongside my trackside ditch here:




Water Mint ~ Mentha Aquatica




All I need now then is some lamb! :D

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I just found it kind of sad that i had, nor probably had most people, even given the Vetch as much as a look, due to its size and where it grows. And when you do look what a beautiful flower it is.


Right thats it!!!, Im def starting to take the camera out now :D


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