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staff x

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i know most people would rather put a well bred bull through there grey if they was breeding it, but what do yous reckon about putting a staff through a grey to add the bully to the lurcher but bring the size down, and has anyone got any pics of this cross to throw up


Gripper :thumbs:

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i know most people would rather put a well bred bull through there grey if they was breeding it, but what do yous reckon about putting a staff through a grey to add the bully to the lurcher but bring the size down, and has anyone got any pics of this cross to throw up


Gripper :thumbs:


As long as the staff is a good worker, not a pet they should be ok. I have only seen one staff x greyhound, a

blue bitch, bout 26" massive head. Just not very good with other dogs, especially terriers. Think she gets this from her ancestry...

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i know most people would rather put a well bred bull through there grey if they was breeding it, but what do yous reckon about putting a staff through a grey to add the bully to the lurcher but bring the size down, and has anyone got any pics of this cross to throw up


Gripper :thumbs:

I dont thonk you'd need to go the staff root as you can get apbt as small as about 35lb, just have a quiet word to a few people and try to find a small, game dog. Most staffs nowadays are ruined through people trying to breed them stocky thus alot of interbreeding goes on. But seriously pal, you get apbt of all shapes and sizes. atb bud

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