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Crippled Critter Control

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Hi guys,


Before I start this thread I’d just like to thank Festa for coming and picking me up yesterday evening and totally looking after me by opening gates and picking up shot bunnies etc while I just sat next to my crutches and shot rabbits from his van window.


Its mates like that, and you guys on here that make the hunting community so strong and bold so well. 18.5 years in the military and I only know 2 or 3 mates that would of done what Festa did for me.


Cheers fella youre a star :clapper:


Well Festa picked me up last night at around 1730 hrs and we went to my usual zero range which is a 55 metres hanger used by the military to store vehicles and equipment etc.

I let Festa use my new rifle zero stand to zero his gun at 30 metres. I got it off EBay and boy does it aid accuracy when zeroing. Within a few shots Festa was knocking out the bulls eyes with groups that anyone would be proud of.


We then went for a drive around the permission which is a very big chunk of private military estate, all in all about 5 or 6 miles of land but I only shoot really on about 3 miles of it. Some areas I've not even visited yet.


The first rabbit was spotted at the bottom of the track at the funny old range of about 20 metres. This range with my gun requires 1 and 3/4 mil dots hold under to ensure an instant kill. With Festa driving and I shooting our team work started. The rabbit was knocked over with a clinical brain shot and that was number 1 in the van.


We then hobbled into a field and tried some ambushing while sat under a chestnut tree. The range to the fence line is about 30 - 35 metres but sadly enough the bunnies were not playing so we moved back to the van and got out the new Cyclops lamp and red filter.


For the rest of the night we drove around the permission really only sticking to one part of it, a large field about 1 mile long by 500 metres wide. It runs at the side of a disused military air field.


With Festa lamping and spotting for me and me using my green laser as a range finder and my BSA R10 the team work really paid off.


We were able to accurately range find and shoot bunnies from 15 to 55 metres. We ended up with 14 bunnies all shot from Festa's van window.


4 were shot between 15 to 30 metres (point 1 zero to point 2 zero along my trajectory) while the rest were shot 35 - 55 metres (1 mil dots - to 3.5 mil dots hold over on x 10 magnification). One was cleanly dispatched with a splendid 55 metres head shot after thinking that it was well safe from my R10.


The photo isnt very bright, but is clear enough to make out whats what. It was taken with my video camera under a dark light. Next time ill have to remember my camera with a flash.


The photo is of Festa with out team worked 14 bunnies.






Edited by zini
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Yes Wuzzy mate.


Here is a link with a photo that i have taken off the net for the exact same front rifle stand as i have. You can get them for £22.99 from Uttings air rifle shop.




The thing is rock steady and really does aid the perfect zero due to the soft rubber bits. The thing absorbs recoil very well and is designed for big calibre rifles, so a springer or a almost recoiless PCP doesnt get affected at all.


Ive trialed this and the way i get it to work the best is as follows:


1. Place the rest on a steady table at your normal zero range, mine as you know is a measured 30 metres.

2. Pin a target on its back stop (wooden thick board) at the same height as your barrel will be when sat resting on the rest.

3. Look through your scope and gently wind the star height adjuster on the rest until your cross hairs sit naturally at the same height as the bulls eyes on your target.

4. Move the rest so it sits naturally in line (left/right) with the centre of the bull.

5. Take a aimed shot at the bull using correct follow through and breathing and within 2 or 3 shots your combo will be putting pellet on top of pellet.


The rest then just gets put in the boot of the car and is out the way with no hassle.


Ive just included a very crude and rough diagram of what ive just explained



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si ur welcome my friend it was a pleasure i think out of myself marksman zini wuzzy and reggeman have a good little group its the way it should be everyone helping each other i enjoyed last night being ur batman lol and ur gun its that quiet you need to keep checking it to make sure its working ive had louder farts lol (but without the punch of that gun ) ive attached some more pictures from last night


cheers gary



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