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Young Hunters Competition

Guest traceyg

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Young hunters competition



We have another competition for all the young hunters aged 16 or under to take part in, with the chance to win a fantastic book ( Trap Making Step by Step) kindly donated by John b . We would like to hear all about your hunting experiences be it snaring, ferreting, fishing, shooting, lamping, trapping etc. The young hunter doesn’t have to be a member of the hunting life as long as one of their parents is. But it has got to be in the young hunters own words (don’t worry about spelling or punctuation just no text talk please) all entries to be posted by 30th September.


John b and myself will judge the entries and will award the prize to the story we like the best. Please pm your story's to me T/G


Good Luck to you all.

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A Want THat Boook Am 16 SoAm In There


well here we go My Fist Time Ever Out Ferreting .


well i was going down to the local feilds with my dads friend(john) that had ferrets

i dident even know what ferrets were lol so am all excited the friday nite bounceing off the walls knowing a was going ferreting the next day a think a was 14 at the time

it felt like christmas was comeing where you can`t get to sleep because you know you getting preszzies lol a think a dident go to bed till like 1 that night then next thing i knew it was 7.30 am and am puttin on all my army camo gear witch was like 3 sizes to big for me lol so we start walking down to the van in the winters frezzeing morning . then a just relised that a was going FERRETing then a startd getting all hyper so we went down and pickd up jogn an he got into the van with all his camo gear on and a box and a remmebe thing what the hell is that scatching lol then jogn replayd FErrets a was like `They Rats ` so we get to the park that were ment to be going ferreting and a remmeber my dad saying to me before we even got there ALAN dont make noise or the rabbits with hear you ( but A Was the kind of kid that would go shouting and dancein like mad ) so we finally got there it was in the woods . a was so nearvis that a nearly peed my pants lol so my dad and john put the nets over the holes and put the ferret down the hole and am lying on a tree trying not to move a muscle or snap any twips, Then what did a do a Fartd

and a can remmeber my dad face going pure red and a was like O Sh*t and just hid my face lol then all i could here was BAng Bang and a lookd at my dad then he smiles so a knew that was a good sign .

then a herld the leaves moveing and saw a rabbit in the NEt a was so Amazed with it and just stred and Said Wowww Thats Coool lol . then a saw john hit the rabbit at the back of the neck with his hand a Sed To myself ( a want to do this ) :good: so we reset the nets again and another rabbit came flying out and a was like (This ones Mines ) so a jumpd the highest a could ever jump right onto on it and pick it up and said to my dad what do a do with it lol so we packd up and startd headin home and john took the rabbits home with him and a went to my dad ( a want do to that its so goood and askd for ferrets next day ) and now i have 2 great ferrets and would never look back .Best thing ever happend to me .


well that was my story about my first time ferreting Hope use enjoy it and hope a win have loets more storts if you want to here tem no probs :good:


Thanks Alot



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A Want THat Boook Am 16 SoAm In There


well here we go My Fist Time Ever Out Ferreting .


well i was going down to the local feilds with my dads friend(john) that had ferrets

i dident even know what ferrets were lol so am all excited the friday nite bounceing off the walls knowing a was going ferreting the next day a think a was 14 at the time

it felt like christmas was comeing where you can`t get to sleep because you know you getting preszzies lol a think a dident go to bed till like 1 that night then next thing i knew it was 7.30 am and am puttin on all my army camo gear witch was like 3 sizes to big for me lol so we start walking down to the van in the winters frezzeing morning . then a just relised that a was going FERRETing then a startd getting all hyper so we went down and pickd up jogn an he got into the van with all his camo gear on and a box and a remmebe thing what the hell is that scatching lol then jogn replayd FErrets a was like `They Rats ` so we get to the park that were ment to be going ferreting and a remmeber my dad saying to me before we even got there ALAN dont make noise or the rabbits with hear you ( but A Was the kind of kid that would go shouting and dancein like mad ) so we finally got there it was in the woods . a was so nearvis that a nearly peed my pants lol so my dad and john put the nets over the holes and put the ferret down the hole and am lying on a tree trying not to move a muscle or snap any twips, Then what did a do a Fartd

and a can remmeber my dad face going pure red and a was like O Sh*t and just hid my face lol then all i could here was BAng Bang and a lookd at my dad then he smiles so a knew that was a good sign .

then a herld the leaves moveing and saw a rabbit in the NEt a was so Amazed with it and just stred and Said Wowww Thats Coool lol . then a saw john hit the rabbit at the back of the neck with his hand a Sed To myself ( a want to do this ) :good: so we reset the nets again and another rabbit came flying out and a was like (This ones Mines ) so a jumpd the highest a could ever jump right onto on it and pick it up and said to my dad what do a do with it lol so we packd up and startd headin home and john took the rabbits home with him and a went to my dad ( a want do to that its so goood and askd for ferrets next day ) and now i have 2 great ferrets and would never look back .Best thing ever happend to me .


well that was my story about my first time ferreting Hope use enjoy it and hope a win have loets more storts if you want to here tem no probs :good:


Thanks Alot



Great keep them coming i will put the other two up tonight but we need more

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Wanna be farmer

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For the young hunters competition, Yesterday, 09:14 PM



Mega Hunter



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As soon as i started to set the snares that i bought (once i was taught) i caught a fair few from there in. The first time i set them, i spent about half an hour setting ten! I set the snares at about 11 am, the next day i went down at 9 am and had nothing except a few snares knocked, i was so annoyed! I reset them, but i set them and the tealers little higher, i went down the next day and i had 8 rabbits in the snares! I was so happy! I skinned them and gutted them and restet the snares, I went down the next day and had nothing, not even a snare knocked! So i went down again the next day and still had none! I then restet them and after i restet them i spoke to one of the allotment holders and spoke to them about snaring, they told me that they have seen another person from the allotments taking the rabbits out of the snares and resetting them, but she said she had never thought anything of it!

In the end, i took the snares up and started shooting and feretting on there, now i can't stop! I love going down there to shoot a few rabbits, or ferret a few. But sometimes i go up there with my gun and see nothing! But normally when i go up without a gun there's loads of rabbits out!


Thanks' Trace,


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coursing mad

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young hunters comp. my fishing story, Yesterday, 04:45 PM



Extreme Hunter



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Posts: 777

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Joined: 27-April 09


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well i decided to go carp fishing about 2 month ago & stay over night with some freinds. so off we went with the tents ect. we got there and set our rods up and started fishing. the first fish was mine a loverly 8lb mirror carp.... that set the night off well.. so i thaught. it started raining reilly heaverly during the night so that drove us to our tents.... before i knew it i fell asleep at about 3 in the morning ohmy.gif silly me only forgot to put the pegs in the ground, i must of moved through the night alot... and pushed the tent into the pond with me in it icon_redface.gif as we had set the tents up close to the pond side. woke up in the morning and thaught i was on a water bed... well acually i was blink.gif right in the middle of the pond freezing cold i had to paddle my way back to the side it was quite funny for my freinds but not so funny for mee.


a story i will never forget haha.

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my first day ferreting was in august 2008 end of summer holidays my ferretw were just small and i was very exited as i only had 20 nets so we went to a door andaskd if we were able to ferret then we fut the ferrets down then pt the nets over and a big buck rabbit bolted and i heard one of the other ferrets down so i put my head in the hole and ban the rabbit bolted in to my face i was crying :icon_redface: amd my bro and frend were lafing the heads of and then another bolted and we missd it as we only had 20 nets then we only got 1 rabbit that day and it was our first day out with no experence

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my first day ferreting was in august 2008 end of summer holidays my ferretw were just small and i was very exited as i only had 20 nets so we went to a door andaskd if we were able to ferret then we fut the ferrets down then pt the nets over and a big buck rabbit bolted and i heard one of the other ferrets down so i put my head in the hole and ban the rabbit bolted in to my face i was crying :icon_redface: amd my bro and frend were lafing the heads of and then another bolted and we missd it as we only had 20 nets then we only got 1 rabbit that day and it was our first day out with no experence

I am going to cry in a minute, I don't know if its because i feel sorry for you or because i am laughing that much . :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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my first day ferreting was in september 2008. we had left the house at 11.00am with us we had 1 ferret (spot) and the dog (tye). we had got to the permission which was a small field with about 20 sets. we got to one of the sets and the dog marked it. we netted it up and the ferret went in. the dog was standing by to make sure no rabbits got away. about 10 minutes later the first rabbit was netted. number 1 in the bag. after about anouther 5 minutes the ferret popped out and didnt want to go back in so we moved to anouther set. the next set was on a mount of mud the dog marked it, so we netted it up and the ferret went in th ferret kept poppin out but then turning round and goin back down anouther 5 minutes went by and out popped a rabbit it missed the net and went strait into a small bush i sliped down the hill into the mud and the rabbit bolted strait back into the hole. after this the rabbit didnt come back out so the next time the ferret came out we put it back in the box. we packed the stuff away and walked towards some woods in here there was only a few rabbits the dog coursed 1 of the rabbits through the woods but the rabbit headed for a set and dissapeared. after this we headed home. 2 rabbits isnt bad for my first day out.

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