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Easing back in !!!

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Myself and a couple of the lads headed off to me mates permission and got there about 7.15 am and were greeted by a slow mist coming up off the river. Had a quick brew and we were off to do our first big job of the season . It was a hedgrow about 200 yards long directly behind the farmers house , got to keep him happy aye lol.



the boys collaring up




top part of the hedge


the bottom of hedge it was like being on to different levels some of the lads doing the top watching for bolters and the others and the dog keeping a eye out on the bottom.






one of the stinkers lol


Ferrets were entered and after a while they started to find the rabbits with the odd 1 bolting. These are old setts and are literally joined all the bloody way along. The ferrets were sticking to the job and slowly but sureley the rabbits were bolting in better numbers .

About three quarters of the way along the rabbits just seemed to dry up with the ferrets running the tubes but reappearing with a look of what the feck :icon_eek: weres the bunnys .

One of the lads seen a stoat appear abit further down and we thought this is probably why there were`nt rabbits in the far end of this hedge.


So we decided to head off to the river for a bit mooch down there .







netted up with the long nets and odd purse net and stuck the ferrets in . These are big setts aswell and it takes the ferrets awhile to find the rabbits but dueley they do and start boltin the odd 1.









Managed a few from this spot but it was gettin bloody hot so we thought we would call it a day at 2 pm

Few pics of the ferrets


they worked well and deserved there bit kidney and water afterwards


final tally was 19 with only 2 little ones rest being fit healthy rabbits






It was good to get back out properley even if it was`nt a big back but that will come in good time . A good day was had by the lads and long may it continue atb FV :victory:

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