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Just to clear up any misunderstanding as I said before, My dad would get me grown on ferrets that had a distemper jab. I have never owned kits before so I dont want to "spoil" them. As all my previous ferrets were good workers, I stopped ferreting when I started toying with air rifles, but it`s not the same buzz as using ferrets, Ferreting is like having a gun with a unique humurious personality that points itself and shoots itself. Because it`s such a traditional thing were i live out in the country. Does anyone get stick? Just because when I was younger me and some mates were working some ferrets and got a right telling off for being cruel.

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Just to clear up any misunderstanding as I said before, My dad would get me grown on ferrets that had a distemper jab. I have never owned kits before so I dont want to "spoil" them. As all my previous ferrets were good workers, I stopped ferreting when I started toying with air rifles, but it`s not the same buzz as using ferrets, Ferreting is like having a gun with a unique humurious personality that points itself and shoots itself. Because it`s such a traditional thing were i live out in the country. Does anyone get stick? Just because when I was younger me and some mates were working some ferrets and got a right telling off for being cruel.


I quite often get people walking past asking what I am doing and some understand while others don't. But if theres any trouble I just ring up the land owner and get on with my business. No point in getting aggitated over it because you are doing it all legally and respectfully.

Many people have mixed feelings about ferreting and so you will get the odd person having a go at you, but just try to shrug it off.



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Ye i suppose I was a kid when i had some nut on holiday in the village I used to live shouting at me I was only 14 so I wasn`t happy plus he called me compo of last of summer wine. This forum is superb, there is only a small community were i live so there is only a couple of us ferreting, but I can get bang on info from you guys on here. Don`t suppose you know of a good hunting magazine that contains a lot of ferreting? Shooting times had a bit last week from simon pakfield ferrets.

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Well done Lift boy :clapper: for not listening to those people on a (certain forum) who say you Must get your jills spayed...utter boll**ks. As for getting him snipped fellow hunters have already pointed you in the right direction, i had mine done and no problems... as for locators i personally think its a must,but thats me...i would not use a line with it whats the point, if you check the batteries regular then hopfully no problems.

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Ai your right bramble, I was on a site that were talking about putting clothes on ferrets and stuff, and when I mentioned hunting they went ballistic. To be honest a ferret would not be my ideal pet, a fluffy hamster would. To me a ferret is a working animal that has a good trait and can provide for you. My mate went to the rspca rescue to get a stunning nearly all black hob to work and breed to try and get the colours, and they went ballistic about ferreting and hunting, it`s like what??

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Yes mate i was out last January and was digging to the ferret when some old bitch asked what i was doing i explained to her i was digging for my ferret as it had hold of a rabbit, with that she said " i hope you dont find it its disgusting and i'm going to complain to the land owner"to which i replied i have the land owners permmion and will show you the letter if you like, but she just gave more verble and walked off, it really irritates me when you get permission and have to put up with this kind of shite, as for the rspca a bunch of tossers.

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I remember I was shooting one day and I was walking along a hedge looking over it at the quarry in the fields, and out of nowhere a big ldv van with a chimney on top plled up with hippies in it. They were having a go about how people like us damage the countryside and they are trugging around in a old van with more smoke coming from it than the flying scotsman, I was like just go and chill and smoke some jamaican woodbine. Anyways I caught them parked in a field so it took the massey 390 and parked awkward by the gate and they got stuck.

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I used to get a load of it on the golfcourses and i was always nice about it now you tell them to sod off imgetting paid to control there rabbits word soon gets round and the old codgers dont bother me any more

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Ai guys, Well were i live in wales is really rural but you get people come down on hols and that and they think that when we go out ferreting that we are smelly farmers. But the truth is my neighbour who is the farmer has no complanint about them camping, rambling etc on his land so I just sort of got to the point of looking at them and telling them that they should shut it and keep there nose out, like dont they even know where meat comes from? We have only had electric for ten years so I stick to what I know, But they didn`t moan when I walked with a rifle to much mind. Anyways guys some advice please, I have two jills as you can see from my post, I have bought a hob today of the same age and I intruduced them in my garage where they could run, will they get on? They played and screeched a bit so I just left them to it. Cheers guys.

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Hi all. Im new to this site so I wonder if some of you guys can Help as the conversation on here is so much better than any other forum that talk about ferrets as pets not working animals. I have just got back in to ferreting after roughly 6 years. I have always owned 1 ferret at a time and because I was young my dad used to get them for me and they were grown on and had all there jabs. Right at this moment in time I have just aquired a pair of 13 week old jills, I have been spending several hours a day with them getting used to kits not big old ferrets. My problem is I am picking up a beautifull very dark polecat style ferret 13 week old kit on friday. I have 1 large hutch. The plan is to get him vasectomized when the time comes. (When ?). Can I keep him with my jills all year round and will he still serve my jills. Its just every different forum tells me different, If i have it from a working ferreter not a woman who puts a santa hat and shades on her ferret who is anti-hunting then i`m sorted. Even the pet style books are pants I quote " ferrets are not a hunting animal" in one book. cheers peeps


i got 2 jills and 4 hobs mate they are together all year round have the jill injected so they cant have young and they still ok this year onne of the hobs was a lille bossy with the others so only parted him for a week and all back to normal now.


some people part them i think its go to do with you the waay they are only you no what they like

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