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planning an assult!

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Hi i have a bunny job for some family friends. The real reason for the shoot is to "protect the garden" but really the guy im doing it for likes the idea of shooting them and letting me teach him how to gut and skin etc. I went there yesterday and was shown where they see them etc. so i found a spot around 20yrds away from the normal spotting site. As there was literally NO wind i hadent much luck going down wind etc anyway as we approached the place i saw a bunny run off into the long grass so we had a look around there was plenty of fresh shit around so i was sure they were about and the owners and their kids showed me where they see them anyway i sat out for an hour and saw zilt NOTHING!! so i went for a look in the main garden and their was one 50 or so yards away as we approached in went behind a bush as we got closer we saw it again but not for long as soon as we stopped when we had spotted it it had gone! the rabbits around here are the most jumpy i have ever seen. HOnestly this is a ferret job. But the owner wants them shot and i dont want to give up. so my question is how do i go about setting up an assult. I have asked the occupiers to keep an eye out on what time of day etc they see them. so i will be going back but how should i do it i will have a go at drawing a plan of the place for you guys. what do you do when you have jumpy rabbits and NO ferrets? Does shootmore work do i need more camo? also i have a springer how long can i reliably keep it cocked?

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it should be alright for an hour i should think, but i have a gas ram now which is great because itdoesnt matter how long. good camo makes all hunting situations easier, a face veil or something similar and if they are really bad cam the gun too. but it sounds more like you want to get some ferrets in there or fenn traps in the burrows or snares on the runs.


give us an idea of how big the place is and we might be able to help you more


good luck


atb rob

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Ellir how do you find your gas ram? how long have you had it? i was thinking about it then i read something about them loseing pressure? Ok i will give a hide a go i may have to make a few cos there are a few spots where rabbits come out. i am in the procces of scanning a pic for you guys

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I've followed Steve Prices idea for a hide, just my DPM poncho and a couple of 24 inch poles/sticks, just enough to shade me from the breeze and seems to work.


My Cemetary Permission is cut short grass. The bunnies are very, very weary but when I have been behind this hide they have come out of a warren entrance litterally 25 feet away to be greated with a .22 in the side of the skull.



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the problem with formal gardens is that they have been mowed and manicured for a very long time making the ground very hard.........rabbits are very sensitive to vibration ( more so than sight), so the hard ground carries the vibrations further than it would on pasture, for example.


get in a central position and wait...........paitience,paitence,patience.


keep looking around ( cos bunnies are good at sneaking up on you).


a hide would work, but personally i prefer not to use one ( because its not always possible to, and you don't want to be become reliant on it).


stick it out for a few hours and you WILL get results............fieldcraft is key....followed by shot placement.


good luck





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I'm beggining to tink that the bunnies at the graveyard, have learned to avoid the place from 17:00 to 20:30 now ;)


I Went las night only saw 2 where I know there are hundreds, going to have to get up very early and get em as the light begins to break.



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