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I am sure that this has been asked before and I am sorry but I could not find an answer either on here or on the web.


How much grain do you estimate to go through in a complete season for pheasants ?

Does 5t / 1000 sound right ?


I appreciate that there are many variables (timing, cover type, natural food etc) but a rough guide would be useful as I am getting mine loose and in bulk direct from the local farmer.


Many thanks for your help.


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I am sure that this has been asked before and I am sorry but I could not find an answer either on here or on the web.


How much grain do you estimate to go through in a complete season for pheasants ?

Does 5t / 1000 sound right ?


I appreciate that there are many variables (timing, cover type, natural food etc) but a rough guide would be useful as I am getting mine loose and in bulk direct from the local farmer.


Many thanks for your help.



I am expecting to use around 10/12 ton for 1600 birds,we have used 4 ton up to press.

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I think we used getting on for a ton per hundred birds for the whole year. We were starting a new shoot on an a farm that hadn't been shot for at least 10 years so have fed the woods from releasing the birds in summer 2008 right through to this year. hopefully it has kept the birds that weren't shot last season in good condition for breeding this year. might have stopped them wandering as much.

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