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wots up with my gun plz help

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hi ive got a airarms s200 22 cal ive bin told to use super h point pellets so i got some, tried to shoot and just a clickin noise then hissin :thumbdown: pellet now stuck in barrall :wallbash:

[bANNED TEXT] happend?

[bANNED TEXT] can i do about it?

thanks. jamie

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is there air in the gun if not charge it and fire it without the extra pellet.

the hissin noise cud be that u have used up ur air in the gun andit jus let out a tiny bit.

if this is the case you have to quick charge it with a bottle as you wont be able to close the valve with a stirp pump


if its none ov the above then your seals may have gone

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It sounds to me like your cylinder has vented due to lack of pressure.


Refill the cylinder to 180Bar, then cock the gun and fire it into a safe backstop (the grass will do)


Let us know how you get on.


Oh how are you filling it, pump or bottle?



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  Wxm said:
is there air in the gun if not charge it and fire it without the extra pellet.

the hissin noise cud be that u have used up ur air in the gun andit jus let out a tiny bit.

if this is the case you have to quick charge it with a bottle as you wont be able to close the valve with a stirp pump


if its none ov the above then your seals may have gone



you can use a stirrop pump

all you have to do is cock the gun while filling

this will hold the valve enableing to fill the gun



but the problam sounds loike a seals gone



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even if its 2nd hand mate from a shop you'll still have some warrentry ,,they have a duty to check the guns even if 2nd hand,, if they dont and they are selling faulty goods ,they are lieable under the sale of goods act 1979.. underneath is just a snippet for the act but 3rd line down may apply to you mate


the seller must

* Transfer possession by delivering goods in accordance with the terms of the contract i.e. on time and at the place agreed or if no agreement, at the sellers place of business and at a reasonable time.

* Sell satisfactory quality goods, which are fit for the purpose that they were purchased for.

* Sell goods, which correspond with their description or the sample used


http://wills-net.co.uk/article_sale-of-goods.php this link goes a little deeper into the act if you want to look


Edited by festa
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  jam1 said:
thanks lads, iam in sheffield!


just for a bit of info how far sell i set sights up? :icon_redface:

when the dam things workin agen :thumbs:





I have (like most air-rifle users) my telescopic sights zeroed at 30 yards (roughly 100 feet or 30 of my paces).

This allows me to take closer shots by aiming under and if out hunting, longer shots if weather conditions allow (ie virtually (or better still) no wind) by aiming higher. My longest shot in perfect conditions was taken a day or two back, 48 paces and a good clean kill. If there had been a slightest breeze I would not have taken the shot.


BTW, my S200 seems to get on very well with AA Field Diablo 5.52mm (.22) pellets.


Let us know what the shop say's or does.



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