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C'mon you kits.

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Now then you bunny bashers! The plan was to have an easy day introducing my new kits to the world of bunny chasing :D Plan A went out the window when the collar batteries were dead this morning, just like the market trader that sold me them yesterday will be when he turns up next week :angry: So onto plan B, and thank f**k for Maplins electical stores who open on a sunday, thanks lads :clapper: £1.70 per battery, four purchased and upward and onwards, by this time it was nearly 12 o'clock, so a quick lunch curtesy of one of the Today shops, breakfast baps :tongue4: Right thats me and my assistant sorted, home for the animals. One dog, two ferrets, purse nets, locator, and we are sorted at last :) On to the hedge I had looked at during the week, not a big hedge, but enough holes to get a couple of ferrets excited :D I have to mention these knee pads I bought from Lidls for £2.99, no more thorns in the knees ;)



First warren is a two holer, nets on, fezzers in, and nothing from this set :( On to the next warren, a set of 3 holes with all the signs of bunny capturing :) But nothing :( Right! the next warren was a 3 holer I thought I saw the dog push a bunny into, so netted up I put Sambo my dark kit in to sort it out,



in she went, out she came, so in went her mum Anikah, nothing in again :angry: Right plan C, I knew there were a couple of nice 6 and 7 holers in a wood near by, so we set off to plunder them :D On arrival I decided to net both up, that way I could just go from one to the other, there was also the chance of back netting some thing if it ran that far ;)



Game on, Sambo to play first :D In she waddled, two minutes later I could here that heart charging sound of thumping :clapper: And then bunny number one hit the purse net, there's just some thing about that first one in any session :laugh: Sambo was close behind it, one to Sambo. Down she went again, I could here her chasing some thing, but she kept coming out to look for it, it was obvious she was getting the run around, so in went her mum, a quick squeal and all went quiet, BUGGER! so I went to fetch the spade, just as I had got back Anikah had chased the rabbit into the net, Anikah 1 - Sambo 1, Anikah was in and out every hole, so we moved on to the next warren.

Right! Sambo's chance to catch up, in she pops, I can here her chasing some thing by the noises coming from the warren, but after five minutes she emerges with only her tongue hanging out, I could see she was knackered, it was quite hot, and she is young and inexperienced, so put her back in the box and gave her a drink. So up steps Anikah to sort the job out, in she goes and out pops bunny number three. Then a crash of twigs and number four makes it escape closely followed by my young lurcher, the fallen branches were too much for her and it made good its escape, but she did her best, and she is also very young, so when Anikah came to the surface I grabbed her and decided to pack up, it was very hot, and I did'nt want to tax my animals, they had all had a good afternoons exercise, so we headed home with a final count of 3 :D



I think there are more bunnies to be had in this warren, so intend to give it a little more attention later when the weather cools a little, but thats another post ;)


Keep bashing them.



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Canny start S1 :) getting the urge to get out with the ferts meself.The covers dropped off a lot at my place :blink: a fortnight ago it was a jungle.



Get out and do a little bit Andy, its good for your soul ;) but dont forget to get some nettle cream, because their a b****rd at the minute :laugh:

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