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warning thiefs at show and update

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was at the midd lans game fair today and a group of perhaps 7 guys all stoped and looked at my saluki bitch , anyway we went into a shop and a guy comes running in and goes will you sell that dog mate ?

we said no, he goes is it saluki ,

so i said no -cause obv he was a weirdo

then we walk past his mates there about 21-25years old 1 goes i took a dog a black and white 1 sold it at the next show for £80 with no papers , so me and my mum were trying to get through away from them in all the crowd then my mum heard them following us and 1 guy said i dont mind ill run with it , soo she was like pick her up quick so i did and we pushing throu into a shop then they walked past us so after awhile we went out and they were waiting further up the lane thing ! anyway i carried her to the gundog arena and we stayed there with the people we know ..

anyway if anyone in that area has had a black and white dog stolen and you think it could be yours , it was sold on at a show so the people who have it obviously go to the shows , so you may find it ... i just thort it was worth posting incase your in that area and your dog has gone :(


anyway i was worried sick , and im pritty upset that that happend.

just to keep ppl aware because i was really not expecting that ...

i need pepper spray ..


anyway update on the other dogs , i kept the greyhound been working alot with her , and she now playing tug a war with the pup they sleep together and :thumbs: i guess you do only get out what you put in but im now very confident with her being around little dogs , she got 3rd place in the prittyist bitch since ,

also ,emeer has caught his first rabbit took him awhile to bring it back , but it gave me quite a rush and i was very proud of him ,


just a quick update and to make ppl abit aware of dojy people at shows ..

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I feel for ya mate theives are one of the lowest forms of life and dog theives are even lower than that,i only hope these scum are caught soon and hopefully by people who know the pain of having a dog stolen, not to mention even less regard for the law , if i caught em i wouldnt call the police id string em up and burn the scum.

Glad you were able to evade them tho, atb phil

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I bet it did mate like i said id kill em , these game fairs do attract a minority of scum but they are still worth attending sometimes best not take a dog if not entering, and be carefull who you talk to also never let strangers no matter how genuin they seem know where you live , dont let it phase you as after all you won the day atb phil

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i was at the hampshire country sports day last weekend and i had a couple of pikeys come up to me, they did the usual "wots in that dog mista" so i told em one was a rescue and other was unknown origin, they wandered then i saw them again and the biggest one goes "il give ya a hundred quid for that big dog o yours" i was well narked by now so my northern accent went to max and i told them they were having a laff and they went away, i was very cautious driving home making sure i wasnt being followed, those couple of blokes turned a nice day out into stressed day out.

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yeah we dont tell anyone where we live and try to tell most people thats shes a lurcher , the thing is have no protection against this happening when your out , going to get a different lead and collar set now , as have been told that :


''Unfortunately there is way too many of 'em around the game fair. Last year there was 2 border x lakeland terriers stolen right from under the guys nose. He was standing at the ben long tent in a crowd and some little sh*t come up behind him and unclipped the leashes. Best thing for these kind of shows is to use a buckle collar '' by someone nothing is worth letting those type of ppl get your dog ,


but im glad cause now im more aware ,and can make sure nothing happens :thumbs:

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  sussexpoacher said:
i was at the hampshire country sports day last weekend and i had a couple of pikeys come up to me, they did the usual "wots in that dog mista" so i told em one was a rescue and other was unknown origin, they wandered then i saw them again and the biggest one goes "il give ya a hundred quid for that big dog o yours" i was well narked by now so my northern accent went to max and i told them they were having a laff and they went away, i was very cautious driving home making sure i wasnt being followed, those couple of blokes turned a nice day out into stressed day out.



yeah when were going out i was very worried theyd grab her before we got to the car then she was defo gone for good . its terrible its like were going to need guard dogs to protect our dogs !

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  mackay said:
Best prevention is not to take your dog with you.


thats true , but we werent expecting that ,

for some reason i assumed that i would be able to take my dog to a dog show without worry , its terrible that you cant do that.

and when i was seeing the little kids holding dogs i couldnt help but think .. i hope they dont start taking them from lil kids

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thing is if you leave dogs at home they can still get nicked. plus the dog shows wouldnt be able to raise cash for the various charitys if there were no dogs to show. on a lighter note iv just shut the chooks away for the night and as i turn around i see charlie casually heading my way so click dogs into heel and send them after it only to see them head in wrong direction, oh well theres always later ha ha

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  gnipper said:
What kind of accent did they have?


i actually dont know it was very different but i have no idea what it was ,

but i did get a good look at them they all had black hair , some were spiked up , most of them had facial hair around the mouth and on there chin , one of them was really built up and they was a kid about 7 a boy wearing a red wool hat and a pale cream jumper

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