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a dismal catch


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had been asked by one of my permissions to do some ferreting, on arriving there, the farmer/manager gave us a quick drive round pointing out areas that were way to overgrown to ferret just yet, we decieded to ferret a couple of boundary hedges instead, along with an area, that last year was plagued with rabbits,


had invited essexjed,ABdog and richie10 along, so after meeting up and a quick chat, we set the longnets up and started, this area only saw us with one rabbit a few others bolting out of un netted areas






the boundary hedge had a earthernware water pipe running under it, so of course, we didnt see four ferrets dashing to an un netted area, luckerly we noticed what had happened and rounded them up, good job they all had locators,


anyway, onto another fence line that in the past had given us some good numbers, it ran alongside a disused farm house, that was a really nice area to ferret, this is what it looked like last year...




what a shock to get there to see the house knocked down and a building site in its place, all the best warrens had been dug out and flattened :wallbash:


anyway, the contractors said we could ferret their side of the fence, but again this area only produced one rabbit, that "TED" killed under, and I dug too. again a few slipped out of un netted areas due to the vegation


so, not the greatest of ferreting trips, but a nice day, good to put faces to names, think we need a few more frosts before getting started

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i went to my permission this morning with my 4 yr old son, got there to find mixy had taken over so ferreting was out, let the dogs work the rushes for about an hour, got 11 rabbits and only 2 didnt have mixy, but it gave my 10 month old lurcher some more training, and my son liked watching the dogs retrieving there catch. then headed the 40 mile back home.

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