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Out today,starting a couple of young ferrets off.

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Went to a differant part of the farm today,a hedgerow running at the side of a track.There are a few little setts in this hedge,biggest one is about 5 holes.Thought it would be a ideal place to start a coule of young 'uns off.

Fist set was just a one holer,so i thought i would net the hole and start here just to get the ferret used to passing through the net and going down holes.The ferret had other ideas,put the ferret in,and with in less the a minute a rabbit was in the net :laugh:.I was pretty happy by now as STEALTHY1 said in one of his airgun post,you know you are not going to blank now :D ,so on to the next sett,this was a three holer,so nets on which was differcult because of the undergrowth :icon_eek:.Three nets down and the other ferret entered,she sniffed about a bit sat in the entrance just looking,turned round came out again,you know what young ferrets are like,so put back at the hole and with a shake she was gone.Got in to a postion to see all the nets and waited,about 5 minutes came that sound that all ferreters know and love...........BUMP,BUMP :clapper: .........so my heart was pounding,suddenly a rabbit hits a net,quick dispatch and new net set.Ferret had not shown,so just sat and waited,rumbling started again and WHOOSH a rabbit hits the net :clapper: .By this time i could have flown to the moon,two setts three rabbits.

The next set things did not quite go to plan,this sett was right under a bramble patch,so i had to hack my way into get to the holes,set the nets only two holes this time then let it settle for a bit,set the stop net the other side the hedge,then went for a cup of tea.....or 3 :boogie::clapper: .Went to enter the ferret she went in the hole abit and turned and came out pulling the net down with her,so i picked her up and dropped in the other hole,while i put the other net on the hole,which was under the hedge root,the ferret had been to ground less then 3 seconds,when the bumping started,i was trying to get the net on,but it kept getting caught on the brambles :censored: i could hear the rabbit running my way when suddenly three,yes you read it right,three rabbits shot out the hole one after the other :icon_eek::censored::wallbash: ,while i am stood there with a gormless look on my face feeling rather stupid

Why didn't i set the net first then put the ferret in,god only knows :icon_redface: ,so i put the ferret in the box,chucked the spade across the field having a tantrum sat down and started laughing,17 years ferreting and i made a simple stupid mistake like that :icon_redface::icon_redface::laugh:.Went home after that as it was getting bloody warm i was ferreting in my t-shirt.I was still happy the ferrets worked alright so can not really complain :victory: .


A few pics of the day


Few pics of the land.





The hedge that i worked.As you can see lots of nettles and undergrowth.



The one holer where i got the first rabbit from.



The little 2 hole sett.



And one of the net that gave me the trouble,as you can see the rabbits have dragged it with them as they bolted,the hole is behind that thick hedge root,left of pic.


Saw a few rabbits run in here when i arrived,so might have to get the bodygrips out.






Not a big bag by any means,but nice to be out and getting the young ones started.

Edited by MR TEA POT
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AS you say mate nice being out and the cover doesn't look to bad there ??


If you look at my hands today you will realise how bad the cover was :laugh: must admit though this hedgerow was the best one on the farm undergrowth wise.

Edited by MR TEA POT
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Good write up, I find starting kits very enjoyable. Bag size isn't so important, unless you have a lot of mouths to feed or are doing it as a job. :) Always nerve wracking to hear th rabbits charging up the tube towards you, usually happens to me while I'm dispatching a netted rabbit and trying to get the hole covered up again.

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well done gud pics :guitar::whistling: keep me book in good condition mind see ya soon mrtp


Feck me ROB forgot all about the book,sorry mate i will get it in the post before the weekend.Catching 3 rabbits takes it out of a man you know :whistling::laugh: I am shattered.

I should be hopefully be up at the begining of january now if the funds are good,will have to steal another car to come up in :laugh: .Sorry again mate. :thumbs:

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