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Another brace ...........

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A look out last night on two regular patches and a result off each .First farm is a dairy place ,the farmers wife does a few rare breed chickens for showing and of course the fox control is ongoing .Tried the water meadow at the bottem of his ground first and saw the familiar orange eyes of charlie at extreme range .I squeaked and it came running .We saw it leap a ditch and scramble over some sheep netting .You could say it was committed :) I was down on the 'pod and shot it at about 6o yds ,a rangey,looking youngster .Did the whole farm but saw only hares ,loads of them .

Onto another place then where we do a few every year just to minimise predation on the grey partridge that breed and live here .Charlie was spotted again at a good range and a squeak saw the eyes bobbing our way .Rabbits are plentiful here and they streamed into the hedge infront of charlie .He made a play at a couple but missed .Still squeaking quietly when another more natural squeal drowned me out and charlie made a b-line for the sound in the hedge at about 70 yds from us .Whatever had caught it gave it up to the fox but it was a mistake as my mate shot him whilst the rabbit still wriggled in his mouth .Walked to it expecting the double but the rabbit recovered and ran the full length of the hedge to safety in a hole .His lucky night it would seem :clapper: .Moved on up to the higher ground here and saw another but despite some first class calling from yours truly ;) he wasnt having none of it .I lead down and guessing it to be just over 200 yards i sqeezed off a round from the 243 and saw charlie roll over but then recover a bit to run in a half circle to the hedge .At this moment the deben lithium ion battery decided it was time to switch off ,no warning ,one minite full light the next nothing :angry: .Not the batteries fault but mine for taking it for granted after 4 times out on a single charge .A lessen learnt though .

made our way to the spot and heard charlie flailing in the hedge .This is a hedge on a bank with a live badger set running the length of it so capture was paramount .My mate got a fix on it with the light off his phone but this only spured him on more and im annoyed to say he made the safety of a hole .Anywhere else and i would of gone for a dog but not with the badgers in residence :(

Annoying ,upsetting even but it happens .



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A cracking read as normal FD, thanks for sharing.

It happens sometimes, as you say usually you could do something about it, but as the Badgers are their, there's no chance.

I'm sure either blood loss or the Badgers will finish things pretty quick though.


All the best



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You can't win 'em all 'FD' we have all had things that have turned out other than we would of wanted even 'The Real Deal' :gunsmilie: ,but,as I always say....."If you don't make any mistakes then you aint doing a lot"

See you very soon for a trip out down here mate...............Martin.

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  arveyboy said:
  ArchieHood said:

:toast: :toast: :toast:


mate that made me laugh alot. good read as always fd. its always sad when you dont get a clean kill. contrary to popular belief i'd bet the majority of hunting peoples are not mindless killers


I have never met a shooter who did not want to make a clean one shot kill. I'm not so sure about some of the "dogmen" they seem to revel in a drawn-out bloody death. May they die the same way they live.


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