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mad cows

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Hi all

keep reading lately in local rags etc at the growing amount of people being chased by agressive cows and one poor

bloke even being butted over by one ?

I have been ferreting and shooting in cow fields for 30 odd years and i can honestly say i have never been chased

by cows sometimes they might come over to be nosey and stand watching yer but being aggressive NEVER

Has anyone on this forum ever been chased by mad cows ???

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horses scare the crap out of me if there moving about by me , when we did the pics for the calendar in June i had to cross a field with a rather skitty pony in it & it knew i was scared so it chased me :laugh: mind you it must gave looked hillarious from the main road to see a woman running across a field with an arm full of purse nest wearing a dressing gown :laugh:


then a bit later on in the day i had to stand by a bigger horse but because it was steady it didnt scare me , i even stroked it which i was pretty amazed at , ridiculas phobia i know but there very large animals

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Once i had to leap a gate after getting chased by a cow that had a calf but that was my fault as i didn't see she had a calf . The last couple of times lamping though the herd of cattle in a few fields have made me feel uneasy but i dont think there mad

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There's a field I shoot in that has mad cows, they are very protective of their calves and will kick off if they get backup from the others, the main bull's ok, he just eats at coppulates :D but the worst ones are the young bulls (mongs) they tear around the field in groups, I dont think they would knowinly hurt you, its just the fact that they are big animals, the biggest danger is that they are dumb, and if they bump you up the barbed wire, its going to sting a little :laugh:

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There's a field I shoot in that has mad cows, they are very protective of their calves and will kick off if they get backup from the others, the main bull's ok, he just eats at coppulates :D but the worst ones are the young bulls (mongs) they tear around the field in groups, I dont think they would knowinly hurt you, its just the fact that they are big animals, the biggest danger is that they are dumb, and if they bump you up the barbed wire, its going to sting a little :laugh:


Agree there mate,them young bulls are nuts,they start running towards you then forget to stop,once one starts running the rest follow,can be quite a pant filling moment when theres about 20 of them running towards you :laugh: .

Saw one the other day,it was eating grass close to the eletcric fence when suddenly ZAP striaght across its nose,it went mad ran round the whole field,then started scrapping the ground with its foot and foaming at the mouth,i decide to shoot in another field :laugh:

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On my old farm I used to get chased by the buggers all the time, they wouldn't back off until I shot a pretendy pigeon flying past with my shotgun HAHAHA


I'm petrified of the buggers and not too keen on horses either, just stay well clear of them now...

Edited by John-B
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